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Whose responsible?

It's nobody responsibility its all
To me it falls on the parents usually until like preteen, early teen years. I used to be a chunky kid always spending $5/wk allowance at the corner store on snacks. Then I turned 14 and started playing football and swimming on a team. That’s when I got a bit more health conscious. Most of my life I kept the weight off, I think my genes won’t let me balloon to 300-400 lbs. lol.
To me it falls on the parents usually until like preteen, early teen years. I used to be a chunky kid always spending $5/wk allowance at the corner store on snacks. Then I turned 14 and started playing football and swimming on a team. That’s when I got a bit more health conscious. Most of my life I kept the weight off, I think my genes won’t let me balloon to 300-400 lbs. lol.
Fat cell numbers are created during childhood. Studies have found that even if an obese person loses weigh they still have the same amount of fat cells making it much much easier to gain weight back. Whereas someone who was skinny throughout childhood would have a harder time putting weight on.
Fat cell numbers are created during childhood. Studies have found that even if an obese person loses weigh they still have the same amount of fat cells making it much much easier to gain weight back. Whereas someone who was skinny throughout childhood would have a harder time putting weight on.
Interesting information. Thank you for sharing that. That helps explain why some kids were always skinny around me and others were my age and height but obese. Was there a way to manipulate those fat cell numbers or are kids just predisposed to it?
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Interesting information. Thank you for sharing that. That helps explain why some kids were always skinny around me and others were my age and height but obese. Was there a way to manipulate those fat cell numbers or are kids just predisposed to it?
Research found, even after laparoscopic surgery, the number of people's fat cell went back up to its original number just a year later. The only way that I've understood to manipulate them is to shrink them through weight loss but the numbers remain, even as one fat cell dies its replaced a new fat cell. My youngest for example has always been a skinny lil twig, her bmi has always been 10-15%, she will struggle her whole life to put weight on because she has very little fat cells and while fat cells can be big or small, they can only get so large(as far as I understand it.)
Research found, even after laparoscopic surgery, the number of people's fat cell went back up to its original number just a year later. The only way that I've understood to manipulate them is to shrink them through weight loss but the numbers remain, even as one fat cell dies its replaced a new fat cell. My youngest for example has always been a skinny lil twig, her bmi has always been 10-15%, she will struggle her whole life to put weight on because she has very little fat cells and while fat cells can be big or small, they can only get so large(as far as I understand it.)
Wow. So when one fat cell dies it's replaced with another, and you could shrink them through diet and exercise, but unless you plan on making that a full-time commitment, it's only a matter of time before you either gain that weight back or lose it all again. Just depends on the amount of fat cells present during your childhood. That research I'm certainly inclined to believe as it makes sense why some people have a hard time gaining or losing weight then maintaining it. Intriguing.
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For a child that’s majorly overweight? If you feel it’s the parent, at what age does it become the responsibility of the child?

Always. There maybe a couple of exceptions...but other than that...parents is responsible.

There's no excuse if your child is ages 5-11 and overweight. I put that on the parents b/c THEY are the ones who mostly feed their kids. Therefore, YOU are responsible for the kind of food you buy for them.

By age 12 and up, that child should have an idea what kinda food they eat, and how much of it. But it's still on the parents to monitor that. Now once they each legal age...that's all on them.
I’m about to go to sleep but I was told I was wrong for saying what I said.

I know a child who is overweight and I truly feel at a younger age, it was no fault of her own. Now, she’s ten and I feel now the weight falls on her. Bars btw. She’s at an age to choose better. Hell im
32 and I’m fat and that’s my damn fault.

That's the parent's fault. Not the kid. As a society, in literally EVERY single way, we have decided that 10 years old is not old enough to make your own decisions. So we hold the parent's acountable for doing so. This is no different.
Society at large doesn’t help with fast food ads practically being shoved in kids faces as early as 1. The parents are ultimately at fault tho. Not so much eating habits but making them muthafuckas play outside.