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Whose responsible?


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For a child that’s majorly overweight? If you feel it’s the parent, at what age does it become the responsibility of the child?
I’m about to go to sleep but I was told I was wrong for saying what I said.

I know a child who is overweight and I truly feel at a younger age, it was no fault of her own. Now, she’s ten and I feel now the weight falls on her. Bars btw. She’s at an age to choose better. Hell im
32 and I’m fat and that’s my damn fault.
Mostly the parents imo, and maybe around early teens the child could exercise some control over their eating if allowed or capable.
That’s what I think especially at young ages but at 10 years old, the responsibility somewhat changes. You don’t have to eat the whole pizza box. You don’t have to sit down at recess
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I’m about to go to sleep but I was told I was wrong for saying what I said.

I know a child who is overweight and I truly feel at a younger age, it was no fault of her own. Now, she’s ten and I feel now the weight falls on her. Bars btw. She’s at an age to choose better. Hell im
32 and I’m fat and that’s my damn fault.
Kids still wan to be in their parents graces at that age. So if cutting back on eating has your parents making slick comments or jokes they may back off from their goals just to appease. Also they may not have the tools to change until later. But later isnt always a guarantee because they have the behavior for a while and the longer you do something the harder it is to stop.

Clever bars btw.
Now I’ve seen a parent call her daughter fat but you should see the shit this girl eats. How do you call your child fat when you’re the one doing it?
At 10 the food source is still coming mainly from the parents. So even if the child wants to eat better or do better its going to be hard if Mama and Daddy keeps filling the house with sugar loaded foods.
But do they have to eat what their friends didn’t eat off their plate for lunch? I guess 10 may be too young for me to think of a child as mature or at least mature enough to make these decisions. I know some but in general, ten may be too young.
10 tho? I mean ain’t like she can buy food
I just agreed that ten may be too young but because she’s ten, does that mean she can’t make the decision not to be greedy. I know this child, she’s like family to me. The stuff her mama tells me is beyond me.

They COOK over there. Been doing it since she was a baby. She’s been bullied about her size. Talked to people about losing weight but is at school eating other people food. That’s a decision she made.
I just agreed that ten may be too young but because she’s ten, does that mean she can’t make the decision not to be greedy. I know this child, she’s like family to me. The stuff her mama tells me is beyond me.

They COOK over there. Been doing it since she was a baby. She’s been bullied about her size. Talked to people about losing weight but is at school eating other people food. That’s a decision she made.
Ok true that’s greedy. But what’s the underlying reason? Could be lashing out with stuff like that
Her mama put her on a diet and she has food in her room hidden under the bed. That’s not her mama fault. Starting those habits are though.
I say its the parents fault if they aren't setting an example by eating healthy infront of their overweight child and at 10 the parent should still be in control so it still ultimately falls on them

They shouldn't be held accountable themselves until around 14-15 .

If shes sneaking food into her room and shit then they need to get strict, start doing random room checks or some shit so that she don't continue to do it.

If they aren't doing something to stop her then she aint gonna stop.
In a sense, the parents.

Growing up I was always overweight. Like, since a little ass kid. Kindergarten till I was 24. My parents didnt know shit about food. My parents for the most part weren't overweight much and I wasnt outrageously fat until I got older but I was always heavier than my classmates. Fam was always working and I grew up on microwaveable foods and hamburger helper. When I was on my own it was ramen noodles and fast food. Wasnt until I was 24 I decided to give a diet a try by chance when my roommate started it. Once I started losing weight I just stuck with it and I think I'm at a "normal" weight now. Doing the diet taught me so much about food in general though and my parents never changed their ways and are both overweight now. I inspired them to do a diet after they saw me but they only stuck with it a few months before going back to their ways.

My little brothers though.. kids eat whatever the hell they want and game all day and still manage to look really fit. Ones kind of a body builder and the other is a tall lanky fuck. Never been overweight in their life.
its the parent.......a child is only going to follow what was taught. even going into early adulthood.

as some point they may become health conscious. but that has the same odds as a child from a poor background learning how to not be or stay poor.

it can happen but the child has to be special within their environment.