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Folks talking about breaking down bars and how elite the word play is and why he’s the best

But Lupe give album full of songs like that

I live on 1st and 15th lol

Break down may be the wrong words to use because this is pretty straightforward but most people aren't listening intently to piece it all together

They're looking for whatever line sticks out the most and running with it
i’m a fan of Lupe but when folks make comments like this it seems like they ignore how a rappers delivery of w/e message they’re trying to get across matters

it has to be interesting. the track has to have replay value. give listeners a reason to run the track back and deconstruct it

lupe’s last few albums have been mostly boring. lupe has issues connecting with the listener

Yeah I think people severely underestimate the song writing aspect of rap at times. Yes the lyrical stuff matters, but it also has to actually sound good. And putting a bunch kf words together just because you can is nice but you also need to know how to construct a song. That's why it always shocks people when their favorite lyrical rapper says shit like "My favorite artist is Gucci Mane".
Oh okay.

Singing songs and getting a singer to help you with them. Got it. Lmao
Well his songs are less Jodeci and more rap like .He was battle rapper and added melodies in his music.

It's more like a singish rap flow than full on singing.
He can’t dictate what other men do.

Y’all gotta stop this narrative. Kendrick been sending shots for years as has Drake. The other niggas different their Drake disdain is some new shit that came when niggas was huddled up.

Drake is tactical for using the narrative because fans eat it up. But let us that know the difference between narratives leave that for what it is.

He can't but the timing of it doesn't work in his favor. He could've dissed Drake years ago but kept getting talked out of it for whatever reason you wanna believe. Now you do it 1st on what's basically an album dedicated to hating this nigga made by 2 people who made that clear. Then 2 more niggas, Ross and Ye, throwing their hate in too. So now it's 5 on 1. If it's really 1 vs 1 he could've dissed Drake right after he left TDE. Kendrick ain't stupid. Doing it the way he did invites that narrative to be seen as valid.
Drake and Bron stans fighting hard af today

He can't but the timing of it doesn't work in his favor. He could've dissed Drake years ago but kept getting talked out of it for whatever reason you wanna believe. Now you do it 1st on what's basically an album dedicated to hating this nigga made by 2 people who made that clear. Then 2 more niggas, Ross and Ye, throwing their hate in too. So now it's 5 on 1. If it's really 1 vs 1 he could've dissed Drake right after he left TDE. Kendrick ain't stupid. Doing it the way he did invites that narrative to be seen as valid.
This would all be valid if he didn’t diss him first in 2014 and 2015. As far as literal diss songs, powers that be has intervened and stepped on shit. On both sides. Like I said Drake painting the narrative is really smart. Anyone that doesn’t really know the full back story will lap it up can & run with it.

Drake’s chess moves has been A1. PAC shit was polarizing but effective. My point is a lot of that doesn’t apply to him in particular. Shit, the first time we heard Kendrick post TDE was Family Ties. And the whole back half of that record is at Drake. Neither one of these niggas scared of the other one, niggas gotta kill that narrative. That’s all