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who is monitoring a new covid variant known as “mu”

So, what happens to these vaccine mandates..........when the vaccines don't work anymore?

Are the powers-that-be going to continue to blame the spread of the virus on the "unvaccinated" and "misinformation?"

What are the quote/unquote............"fully vaccinated"..........going to do?

And who are they gonna be mad at now?

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So, what happens to these vaccine mandates..........when the vaccines don't work anymore?

The vaccine will be less affective however it will still offer some protection the vaccines made in china are perfect example of that against the Kent variant (alpha I believe)
It offered an effective rate of 50% or lower against delta it will probably drop to 30. The WHO said while it's not perfect the pros out weigh the cons. Basically 30% boost for your immune system is better than 0.

Are the powers-that-be going to continue to blame the spread of the virus on the "unvaccinated" and "misinformation?"

Yes because the vaccine reduces the need of people been hospitalised therefore there isn't a strain on healthcare financially and in terms of support for other things. Also being vaccinated reduces your chances of getting the virus as well as reducing chances of a new variant

What are the quote/unquote............"fully vaccinated"..........going to do?

get booster shots when available.

And who are they gonna be mad at now?

That's non my business it's people choices if they get vaccinated however spreading miss information is the actual issue.....

I ain't trying to debate with you or going back and forth just outlining what expert on the matter around the world have said. If you disagree cool
I could be wrong but isn't the point of variants to mutate into something that's easier to handle? Like when we get the Omega variant the virus will only be a bad headache and a few sniffles.
I could be wrong but isn't the point of variants to mutate into something that's easier to handle? Like when we get the Omega variant the virus will only be a bad headache and a few sniffles.

No. Variants only exist because the initial virus wasn't handled correctly. Hence the need to get as many people vaccinated as possible so that variants won't exist in the first place.

Also you can't measure the severity of a variant before it exist. It could be stronger or weaker than the initial virus but you won't know until it hits.

The goal should be to attack the initial virus as best we can in order to prevent future variants.

Niggas are looking past the initial virus and asking questions and what ifs about future shit without even putting enough effort to fight the current virus that can be contained if muthafuckas listen and stop being fucking stupid.
We still got muthafuckas who don't take the virus serious. None of those people need to open their mouth and say shit about any variants.
Nobody is talking about how strong/weak this variant is tho. Are people dying from it?
We'll likely need a little more time to make a more clear declaration one way or the other.

A few months back a news paper got in trouble here for talking about a new variant the W.H.O released a statement that it doesn't exist/they have no knowledge.

My personal opinion: I think a lot of news organisations are not helping people by talking about a variant they have no knowledge about it would be best if they said everyone should continue to tackle the current circumstances and practice social distancing mask wearing and hygiene and get the vaccine.

Once they receive more information only then should they be reporting on it.
No. Variants only exist because the initial virus wasn't handled correctly. Hence the need to get as many people vaccinated as possible so that variants won't exist in the first place.

Also you can't measure the severity of a variant before it exist. It could be stronger or weaker than the initial virus but you won't know until it hits.

The goal should be to attack the initial virus as best we can in order to prevent future variants.

Niggas are looking past the initial virus and asking questions and what ifs about future shit without even putting enough effort to fight the current virus that can be contained if muthafuckas listen and stop being fucking stupid.


HA! in the age of misinformation, conspiracy theories, the internet, social media, anti vaxxers, overall mistrust of the government, poor government leadership (bolsonaro, Desantis, Abbott etc) and right wing news outlets purposely putting out false information...good luck w that bruh.

I've come to the conclusion that we are fucked bruh. It is what it is. You can only do for you and yours (I got fully vaxxed months ago). These other adults are gonna do what they wanna do.

Between Climate change (extreme weather) and viruses, it's a wrap for humans on earth....sad thing is, all of this was preventable. It's all cuz of stupidity and greed.

We too stupid to listen to health care professionals

And Corporations and ppl were to greedy to do anything bout climate change

Oh well. You reap what you sow and nothing lasts forever

HA! in the age of misinformation, conspiracy theories, the internet, social media, anti vaxxers, overall mistrust of the government, poor government leadership (bolsonaro, Desantis, Abbott etc) and right wing news outlets purposely putting out false information...good luck w that bruh.

I've come to the conclusion that we are fucked bruh. It is what it is. You can only do for you and yours (I got fully vaxxed months ago). These other adults are gonna do what they wanna do.

Between Climate change (extreme weather) and viruses, it's a wrap for humans on earth....sad thing is, all of this was preventable. It's all cuz of stupidity and greed.

We too stupid to listen to health care professionals

And Corporations and ppl were to greedy to do anything bout climate change

Oh well. You reap what you sow and nothing lasts forever
It's wild to think solving climate change will be basically solving poverty. That's why it will never happen