Who benefits more from patriarchy?

This is not a worthwhile question. It's not that it isn't interesting, it's just unanswerable and really divisive. People get vexed trying to calculate who is getting the most benefit in society when the fact of the matter is that people are benefitted in different ways at different times. Patriarchy is alright if you're a young, good-looking woman who can get some rich dude to pay for everything for you. Patriarchy is wack if you're a single working class schmoe who has his entire life dominated by rich men. There are all kinds of examples we can bring up, but this question is not really something we can fully answer and then men and women on both sides of the aisle just get mad at each other.
Welcome to the internet lol
I think this boils down to who the patriarch is and how he leads.

Alot can fall on his shoulders and make shit stressful until hes on cruise control. Only then will it look like hes on easy street. He has to prove himself worthy to lead. And thst can be stressful too..

His decisions can sink everyone.
I just knew this thread would do numbers once the women came thru and whooped everybody's head

they left the shit on read tho
Women rarely benefit. Even if a woman is completely independent and self sufficient she cannot erase generations of social conform that make this a man's world. Even without trying a woman unconsciously sees things from a man's perspective - even down to the makeup and way they dress for example. Feminism was developed in response to patriarchy.

It's a huge challenge but I have hope that in the future there will be more equality.
Men don't give a shit about makeup and clothes. We fucking either way and if it's good enough, we still going to marry and impregnate. But tell the average chick that and she'll swear up and down she's not doing it for men.

Feminism isn't independent of patriarchy, it is a tool of patriarchy.

I just knew this thread would do numbers once the women came thru and whooped everybody's head

they left the shit on read tho
They've figured me out.
I disagree. There's still that social conformity to marry and look attractive to the opposite sex because as much as we are animals we also have standards. If you have the choice of Rihanna or Leslie Jones you sure af not picking Leslie and you not gonna put a ring on any woman.
But if patriarchy is a social system administered by men, then men would be able to say "I like you better natural" without getting his head ripped off by the same feminists who both blame men for forcing unrealistic beauty standards on women and ridicule men for asking women to be more realistic.

The fact that I'd choose Rihanna has more to do with how Leslie carries/portrays herself than how physically attractive she is. Like if you had said Fantasia, I'd gladly chose her over Rihanna.
Not necessarily and you're generalizing. That's more of someone's own personal sentiments. That comment shouldn't offend someone who is rational and secure with how they look. I say this because there are far more serious things facing women in society such as equal pay and discrimination.

It's human nature that we can be superficial and selfish.
I hear you, but I'm paying attention to gendered conversations. Generally speaking, women seem to give much more weight to social debates (sex, beauty, relationship shit) than economic debates such as the ones you mentioned.
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Black people are in a matriarchy and she should know this because she's black.