White Woman Calls Police on 8-Year-Old Black Girl For Selling Bottled Water Without Permit

Too fucking bad. You gotta keep going bruh

Uhhh, yeah I guess. I don't have any desire to open a dispensary. I'm just pointing out that getting dispensary licenses isn't as simple as you're making it. For example, some states put rules against giving dispensary licenses to people who have felonies on their records. That may make it difficult for a lot of D-boys who want to go legit. You're crazy if you think that they didn't make this legal without thinking through how to make sure they profited more than anyone else.
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I get why yall gassed kat up...

All you had to do was pay her a compilment and she ready to e-fuck.

"Your hair smells pretty"

Alot of y'all full of shit....

None of y'all said shit when Kat was on the IC bussing it open.

Now white Chicks are vile?

Must be two sides

Speak for yourself. I was cussing Kat Stacks out every day when she tried her bullshit.

And unlike most of the simps around the IC, I got receipts....
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White. People will want a law passed that black people can record them.

Just watch.