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Don’t know if this is the right thread for this. But I just heard about this story a little bit ago but it has me fucked up right now


Rep. Jason Lewis Rails Against Black ‘Entitlement Mentality,’ the Welfare ‘Plantation’ in Unearthed Tapes

Newly uncovered audio files reveal Rep. Jason Lewis‘ (R-MN) not-so-distant past where he had a penchant for making demeaning remarks about the people on welfare, women, the Black community and parasite dependent Democrats.

Between 2009 and 2014, Lewis was the host of a self-titled conservative radio show in which he dubbed himself, “America’s Mr. Right.”

In it, he made deeply misogynistic remarks including lamenting he could no longer call women “sluts.”

Lewis also said this in December 2012 according to files uncovered by CNN’s KFile last week: “There’s a cultural problem in the African-American community that is leading to this. The entitlement mentality…You’re a victim. It’s OK to hate women, beat up women. It’s OK to hate gays. All this, we’re just sort of feeding this to people who are very lost because of the breakdown of society to begin with.”

Now, it seems Lewis’ remarks were not isolated incidents because on Friday KFile uncovered more of Lewis’ nasty remarks with the help MinnPost columnist and former deputy chair of the Republican Party of Minnesota Michael Brodkorb, who provided the files to CNN.

In one, he goes off on welfare and claims public assistance has created a new plantation:

It is hard to overestimate the damage — go back to Martin Luther King and the struggle for black equality — where blacks, in our sorry history, I mean, this really is a blemish on the American dream or the American experience — blacks fought so hard, indeed, and alongside a number of whites, thankfully, who fought so hard so blacks could take care of themselves and not be told what to do,” Lewis said in April 2012. “Now, you’ve got the modern welfare state that tells black folks and Hispanic folks and poor white folks: ‘Don’t worry. We’ll take care of you.’ What is the difference? You’ve substituted one plantation for another.”

He also said Democrats were supported by “parasites” in government:

I’m trying to explain to you how President Barack Obama could be in the lead in some of these polls. When the economy is flat on its back. When you and I see the welfare state in all of its wonderful manifestations and yet he’s still leading in Ohio, he’s still leading in Florida. How is this possible? It is possible because the Democratic dream come true is this: The parasites outnumber the producers. Then, when the parasites outnumber the producers, the party of parasites will give the majority of votes.”

Lewis’ spokeswoman Becky Alery replied to CNN’s report by suggesting that they would be better served by focusing on the Congressman’s current record.

“CNN is free to focus on past rhetoric instead of Congressman Lewis’ record in Congress, and they will no doubt continue to ignore the substance of the arguments, but it does little to add to the debate,” Alery said, in no way denying the words were actually the now sitting Congressman’s.

Pennsylvania white extremist plotted suicide bombing of Anti-racist protest

ULYSSES, Pa. – The traffic sign that greets visitors on the south side of Ulysses, a tiny town in rural far north-central Pennsylvania, is suitably quaint – a silhouette of a horse-drawn cart reminding drivers that the Amish use the roads, too. But on the north side of town, along the main thoroughfare, is a far different display: a home dedicated to Adolf Hitler, where star-spangled banners and Nazi flags flutter side by side and wooden swastikas stand on poles.

White supremacy has had a continuous presence in Ulysses and surrounding Potter County since the Ku Klux Klan arrived a century ago, giving the town – with a population today of about 650 – improbable national significance. In the mid-2000s, it hosted the World Aryan Congress, a gathering of neo-Nazis, skinheads and Klan members.

This year, after a sting operation, federal prosecutors charged six members of an Aryan Strike Force cell with weapons and drug offenses, contending that they had plotted a suicide attack at an anti-racist protest. A terminally ill member was willing to hide a bomb in his oxygen tank and blow himself up, prosecutors said. The group had met and conducted weapons training in Ulysses.

Neo-Nazis and their opponents here say that white extremists have grown more confident – and confrontational – since the rise of Donald Trump. Two months before the 2016 presidential election, the KKK established a “24 hour Klan Line” and sent goody bags containing lollipops and fliers to hundreds of homes. “You can sleep tonight knowing the Klan is awake,” the message read. A regional newspaper ran Klan advertisements saying, “God bless the KKK.”

Local police said the group had not openly recruited in years.

Two weeks later, the area’s two neo-Nazi groups, the National Socialist Movement and Aryan Strike Force, held a “white unity meeting” in Ulysses to discuss their response to Trump and plan joint action. One organizer would not say when the groups had last met, simply commenting: “It’s just a good time.”


Jesse Watters: Trump Wants the ‘Best and Brightest’ Immigrants, Not ‘Some Guy’s Uncle from Zimbabwe’

The Five held a conversation on Monday about President Donald Trump‘s demands that Congress throw support behind an omnibus bill that will provide funding for tougher immigration policies. When Greg Gutfeld argued that Trump has used the wall as an idea to spark more conversation about border security, Juan Williams countered by arguing that Trump wants to stop immigration altogether, both legal and illegal.

That’s when Jesse Watters made this statement:

“He wants merit-based,” said Watters. “That would cut legal immigration by bringing in the best and brightest. So we don’t bring in some guy’s uncle from Zimbabwe.”

Williams sarcastically thanked Watters for clarifying he wasn’t talking about immigrants from other places like Thailand or Norway.


Fox Journo: US Wants ‘Best’ Immigrants, Not ‘Some Guy’s Uncle From Zimbabwe’

Watters has exhibited racist behavior on air before, like when he anchored a segment on Chinatown for “The O’Reilly Factor” in 2016 that used such offensive stereotyping, it sparked lawmakers’ denunciations and protests in front of the Fox News Manhattan headquarters. Watters expressed “regret” if “anyone found offense.”



Being a racist can be a ticket to success – if you’re an African-American.
