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When is the last time you went to the dentist?

Find a place that has great reviews that your insurance covers. Newer places don't use that metal shit to scrape your teeth clean now. They use the water jet and that can come with warm water and if you have sensitive teeth then that's heaven

If you neglect your teeth it'll just come back and bite your wallet big time

Don't know about braces now except some times you don't need it and they'll just get you that Invisalign. Braces were $5k 20 years ago
I'll explore some other options but probably lol
Go on google and type in dentist and your zip code. Then look for the reviews from google and other places. Call those up and ask if they take your insurance. You can also ask what equipment they use. If it's got good reviews and your insurance takes them then make the switch
The impression I got was that was pretty standard out there.

And I'm stateside now for a little bit but if I got it done out here I would have to pay for it all out of pocket and then send in to get reimbursed from my insurance. Fuck all that
The impression I got was that was pretty standard out there.

And I'm stateside now for a little bit but if I got it done out here I would have to pay for it all out of pocket and then send in to get reimbursed from my insurance. Fuck all that
Your co-pay at home must be $20?