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What's Your Relationship With Your Siblings

My lil sis and I probably don’t talk as much as we should but we always been cool. I’m 10 years older than her so we never had that sibling rivalry growing up. I got three older half sisters. One I never met and the other two we talk to each other once in a blue moon or at a funeral but never really keep in touch. Part of that’s my dads fault but it is what it is.
I have 4 brothers and 4 sisters. I’m close to all of my sisters except one and all of my brothers except one. But I talk to my cousin who I consider my brother more than all of them.
tight with both of em

I be with my middle bro damn near every day acting a ass. He the one who i wild out with. I help him out at his shop where he does mechanic work on the side quite a bit.

he put me up on game once I hit high school and showed me how to side hustle so we always looking for quick flips together too. We be selling cars, dogs, guns all kinds of shit. He a a go getter

its night and day between him and my oldest brother tho. Oldest brother way more serious, he joke around but not as much as me n my middle bro do and he all the way in Orlando so we dont see him as much

He the comic book fanatic/artist and he the one i talk wrestling with and play games with. I dont fw comics t but he got me into wrestling and gaming at a early age.

I help him out from time to time w/ his drawings too. Flattening/coloring the images for him in photoshop and shit.
I'm the middle of five. Two older brothers used to bully quite bad when I was young and helpless. I dont like the oldest one all til now. It's funny coz he pretends he doesn't kno' there's bad energy there.

Very close with my two younger siblings.
I'm the youngest out of 4. I'm cool with my brother and 2 sisters. I see my brother every weekend at his house, and my oldest sister 1 or 2 times out of the week. Me and my younger sister was very close too. I'm like the vessel out of the siblings. I'm the sibling that goes at each house to hang out with them. R.I.P to my younger sister
Me and my twin sister are close. She’s like my best girl friend. I’m cool with my older sister as well but not as close as my twin
My brother is 3 1/2 years older than me. We were close as kids growing up but he got into some trouble when he was a teenager and my folks sent him away to boarding school. I got to go to the local public school. At the time I didn't realize it but he was probably jealous of me because I had a group of friends and we'd go out together and my brother didn't have many friends.

Then he had a nervous breakdown around the time he went to college and hasn't been the same since. He talks to himself and can't work. He collects SSI.

We used to get into it because he'd fly off the handle and we'd end up fighting. As a result I avoided him. I didn't feel comfortable being in the same room as him. I basically gave him the silent treatment for years because I thought he was crazy (he is crazy).

Now, I'm 47 and he'll be 51 in a few months. I've been thinking alot about my brother lately. I feel terrible that I didn't talk to him and pay more attention to his well being. It must have been devastating that I avoided him and gave him the silent treatment all those years. And his condition has gotten worse, in part because he has nobody to talk to.

Over the years I can remember people telling me, "you should talk to your brother". I didn't really understand what they meant until a few weeks ago my brother called me out of the clear blue and said, "I don't have anybody to talk to".

That's one of my biggest regrets. When my brother was going through hard times I wasn't there for him. And now his life is a mess and there's nothing I can do about it.
Never met or spoken to my brothers and sister... I'm purposefully waiting 'til they reach adulthood.

That way if they want to have a relationship with me and their mother doesn't want that (for whatever reason), they can make the decision for themselves. That's really the only reason I still tolerate my dad's outta-the-blue phone calls.
That shit be crazy to me but im starting to realize its a lot of niggas on here who dont
I see people not really messing with half siblings if they didn't live together growing up but dudes not having a good relationship with full blooded siblings is crazy to me
my sister and i are tight

my brother has changed ever since he joined the military. hes uber conservative, dates white women, and makes ill jokes about hood Black folks

i want to be closer to him but ... we are so different. in conversation, i deadass feel like im talking to a white man

its unnerving.