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What's Your Relationship With Your Siblings

I'm a only a child but I have half sister and brother. My sister and I are cool talk all the time. My brother don't fuck with me at all and probably would be on-site if we're in a room together. He has animosity towards me for some reason and don't fuck with our dad at all.
My sister and I are cool. Don't say much all the time but we have a decent bond. She's gotten closer with our cousins which helped as well so I wasn't needed as much.
I let my brother live with me until he finds a place. Im 4 yrs older. We always been close but we never hang out, lol. I trust him with anything.
I talk with me sister literally everyday.

Don’t remember the last time I didn’t talk to her
I talk to my nieces and nephew's all the time. I think since all our kids are close with each other it helps the siblings stay in contact. If none of us had kids then I probably wouldn't talk to them
I have siblings on my father's side of the family, I don't speak with any of them. I have friends and cousins that fill that role.
They don't all get along w each other but we're all pretty close and have each other's back.

It's five of us and we're all in our 30s. Youngest is 30 oldest 39.

Two of my siblings seem to be the only ones that ever cause headaches (they're exactly alike n always bump heads) but we're always able to set shit aside and have a good time.

Talk to my lil bro daily
See my sister's once or twice a week now that they're all back in Chicago
We straight.

One older brother and I talk once or twice a week, and my sister and I disagree politically, but still bond as siblings. Hell, today's her birthday, and we need a nice talk this morning.
I'm the baby and the black sheep but we are all pretty close. Or close enough for me. Matter fact, they all at a hotel party for my brother as I type.

The only drawback is they all still stay in Chicago and link up a few times a month where I only see them a few times a yr.

But we play our roles and the love and respect is high now that we all adults
I noticed that I go weeks without saying a word to my brother and sister. I chalk it up as them just being my half siblings and also I'm at least 10 years younger than them.

My younger brother and i are close 2 years apart. My sister 9
Years older but she is the best. My older brother are cool but different moms different houses
We all lead different lives and we aren't close as we once were. In person we don't miss a beat we always pick up where we left off, i don't call them but we text often.

I hate talking on the phone they know this, they have a better chance of receiving a call from Santa than speaking to me on the phone.

If we do speak on the phone it has to be a serious matter.
We good

when me & my sister lived under the same roof it would only be a matter of time for sumn to pop off, I'm talkin throwin forks/pullin knives etc. but we'd be cool the next day

only had 1 serious altercation w/ my brother & taught me a valuable lesson to be a man of my word (I was bout 10 & didn't honor a bet)

we got a group txt w/ mom's & they chattin everyday, I might chime in once every blue moon