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What's The Hardest Game You've Ever Played?


This game is long as hell (for an NES game), limited continues, no saves, no passwords, no nothing. You gotta beat it in one sitting.

I got the game in high school, I didn't beat it until I was grown, married, and had kids and I had to cheat to do it (save states on an NES emulator).

Shadow of the Beast II is a game that you simply can't beat unless you cheat. I've never played it on a console, only on the Amiga and Atari ST and on both computers you have to use the "ten pints" cheat in order to beat the game.

This game is long as hell (for an NES game), limited continues, no saves, no passwords, no nothing. You gotta beat it in one sitting.

I got the game in high school, I didn't beat it until I was grown, married, and had kids and I had to cheat to do it (save states on an NES emulator).
I remember this, I never beat this. I remember I got out the tank for some reason and accidentally fell into a hole but it was impossible to get back up to the tank. I got pissed and turned it off and never played again

This game is long as hell (for an NES game), limited continues, no saves, no passwords, no nothing. You gotta beat it in one sitting.

I got the game in high school, I didn't beat it until I was grown, married, and had kids and I had to cheat to do it (save states on an NES emulator).

Man they got that on the NES games dl'd on the Switch. You can save your games now. Lol