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What's something your parent's did during your childhood you still ain't forgive them for.

Also when I was in elementary I had a bunch of comics in the plastic and everything. Use to read them everyday. I get home from school ready to read some and I didn't see them. I ask moms where they was at and she said she put it on tv's junk pile. Went out front and they was gone. Still to this day I feel my mom is a stupid muthafucka. I love her to death but she is a straight up dummy
When I was 11 my parents sent me and my sister to Guyana for an entire summer vacation. 2 months. I just wanted to be on the block with my friends but they wasn't having it. Sent us down by ourselves to stay with family nfg.

I never been anywhere without my parents that long so that was crazy but doing that in a third world country took it to an entire new level. Electricity was limited. We had to use washroom and shower outside. It was alot.

The neighborhood dogs would group up and congregate on some gang shit at night and be chilling around the 2 houses. I guess someone left the gate open so I'm in one of the out houses (this one of the poorest countries in the world) taking a shit and open the door and it's like 10 fucking wild dogs out that bitch. I had a healthy fear of dogs as a child so I was fucked up. Had to sit in that stinking out house for like a hour crying till someone came for me.

It's been like 25 years and the family homes got plumbing now and my brother building 1 more and renovating the house my mom grew up in but I don't think I'm going back there ever. That was the worst vacation experience lol. Bees looked like mice with wings. Goats just run up on you nfg. You'd think you could go swim in the ocean but nah that shit didn't even look safe to dip ya foot in. The water was just brown. I ain't know what a fucking mongoose is but knew to run if someone scream that shit. Cousin kept calling me charles Barkley or sir charles. That was the first time I knocked someone unconscious. 11 years old lol. Swear to god. $1200 a flight and I legit might go out on some 1000 ways to die type shit. Relatives asking my fam when I'm coming back.
Fuck outta here.

I'm being funny but I'm triggered rn. Woat experience. Did not want to be there. First night looking out the window at the moon on some Pixar shit realizing how far I was from home. Single tear running down my cheek. And when I came back my turtle was gone. These niggas legit forgot to feed and change the water in the little tank. Found my nigga in the basement months later all shriveled up. He crawled into the vent and fell down to the basement. I'll never forgive my parents for that lol. EVER.

Ok I'm done. Needed to get my shit off.

Get ya shit off.

We healing.

aint u know u Guyanese
aint u know u Guyanese

I know I've had conversations with you and @konceptjones early alzheimers head ass about being guyanese already. Concept already told me about his people's when I brought up my mom making pepperpot one time. And I know you asked me my background flat out before. Lol.
I know I've had conversations with you and @konceptjones early alzheimers head ass about being guyanese already. Concept already told me about his people's when I brought up my mom making pepperpot one time. And I know you asked me my background flat out before. Lol.
LMFAO my bad shit memory must be going foreal
My cousin got me a vintage UNC Jordan Jersey with a pair of the latest Jordans and my moms threw them out because she hated my cousin and thought it was "too hood". Meanwhile she bought me literal hand me downs and church clothes to somehow return the favor. Worst thing is that she continued doing this shit up until my teens because she couldn't stand the rest of the family and thought some things were "too dangerous". Always got heated over some small bullshit.

When I was 6 my Dad gave me $10 for my birthday. I thought I was that nigga flashing my 10 singles. My mom was annoyed with how I was acting, and said let me hold that so you don't lose it. We drive by a McDonald's and I asked if we could stop there so I could get a happy meal. Shes says do you have McDonald's money? I said yeah you're holding my money for me remember?! She hit me with that's my money and drove us home a lil nigga was in the backseat crying like a baby she robbed my ass!
They both dropped out of school in High School. I was a straight A student all the way up until High School. They never talked to me about higher education and any education ambitions but they would brag to people about how good I was doing in school. They never helped me with homework or any projects ever but when it was time to talk about how I was doing they made sure that you knew I was their son. I hated that shit.

The bills being in my name and not teaching me about finances go hand in hand. Fucked up part is I saw my name in the gas bill a long time before I knew what it really was. When I got older I realized how fucked up it was to do that to your child.
I know this feeling all too well.

HS diplomas was the furthest Moms and Pops went for awhile. (Pops later got a degree in Theological Studies)

Before that, I was the “crown jewel.”
“Our son’s going to college.”
“Our son got four scholarships.”
“Our son’s in the band.”
“Our son made the Dean’s list.”

Never mind the fact that after freshmen year, I had to take out loans to stay there, or the fact that my mom took out a loan for my sister in MY name for her to go, which was wasted when she basically flunked out her first semester, despite me telling my mom this was exactly the thing that was going to happen (sis never wanted to go to school from jump), and for the first seven years after I walked, I got stuck paying my loans AND hers. Or the fact that my last semester on campus, I had ZERO money to my account, so I didn’t even have a room, and basically lived out of my car, sometimes having to sleep in it.

Nah, fuck all of that: I was basically on my own, except when graduation came. Now, it’s “their” college diploma. Shit irked my soul.

Especially when I was done and on my own, is when I finally revealed to them I was Agnostic. All of a sudden:

“College made me an asshole.”
“College made me think I’m smarter than God.”

That one I find particularly funny because in HS leading up to me leaving for school I had been telling them I wasn’t interested in the phoniness of church, Christianity, or religion as a whole, especially after watching one of the pastors at the church we went to get indicted on FEDERAL embezzlement charges.

You still can’t say these things to a Reverend and a Preacher’s wife; they’ll deny that, and simply blame higher education on “leading me away from Jesus.”

Shit is a roadblock in our relationship to this day.
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Pops is a DIE HARD Republican....and he’s dragged moms and my mega devoted sister with him.

Guess who he’s been promoting the last four years?

I can’t look at him, moms, or my sister the same.

No wonder you called sis a darkie lmao.
You know that didn't have shit to do with anything.

Stop trying to be funny. You suck at it.

I'm one of the funniest niggas you know. Run the numbers and stop being sensitive.

I'm not ya coon ass fam. Don't project that shit here.
When I was 11 my parents sent me and my sister to Guyana for an entire summer vacation. 2 months. I just wanted to be on the block with my friends but they wasn't having it. Sent us down by ourselves to stay with family nfg.

I never been anywhere without my parents that long so that was crazy but doing that in a third world country took it to an entire new level. Electricity was limited. We had to use washroom and shower outside. It was alot.

The neighborhood dogs would group up and congregate on some gang shit at night and be chilling around the 2 houses. I guess someone left the gate open so I'm in one of the out houses (this one of the poorest countries in the world) taking a shit and open the door and it's like 10 fucking wild dogs out that bitch. I had a healthy fear of dogs as a child so I was fucked up. Had to sit in that stinking out house for like a hour crying till someone came for me.

It's been like 25 years and the family homes got plumbing now and my brother building 1 more and renovating the house my mom grew up in but I don't think I'm going back there ever. That was the worst vacation experience lol. Bees looked like mice with wings. Goats just run up on you nfg. You'd think you could go swim in the ocean but nah that shit didn't even look safe to dip ya foot in. The water was just brown. I ain't know what a fucking mongoose is but knew to run if someone scream that shit. Cousin kept calling me charles Barkley or sir charles. That was the first time I knocked someone unconscious. 11 years old lol. Swear to god. $1200 a flight and I legit might go out on some 1000 ways to die type shit. Relatives asking my fam when I'm coming back.
Fuck outta here.

I'm being funny but I'm triggered rn. Woat experience. Did not want to be there. First night looking out the window at the moon on some Pixar shit realizing how far I was from home. Single tear running down my cheek. And when I came back my turtle was gone. These niggas legit forgot to feed and change the water in the little tank. Found my nigga in the basement months later all shriveled up. He crawled into the vent and fell down to the basement. I'll never forgive my parents for that lol. EVER.

Ok I'm done. Needed to get my shit off.

Get ya shit off.

We healing.

I'm from DR and my grandma live in something like that...them outhouses at night scary as shit. I go back once in a while, but never do more than one night lol
Mom- making me steal clothes from Salvation Army when I was 10 years old. She would make me wear a coat and some baggy sweat pants. Then she would ask me what I wanted from there and tell me to wear it under all my shit...I still remember how hot and heavy all them clothes felt

Dad- dude had an idea of what he envisioned a son should be and when that didnt happen for em, he kinda emotionally backed off. We good now though.
Break up

Not value education

Never came to any of my games and I played sports year round my whole school career

Put bills in my name. I had a gas bill when I was 12.

Smoke cigarettes when I had bad eyes. My vision was already messed up but the cig smoke made it worse. Ended up getting PRK surgery when I was in the Marine Corp

Never taught me about finances

My mom was putting wild shit in my name...hahaha. idk who remembers that Columbia House movie shit...where u could get 7 movies for 1 cent or some shit. My mom ain't keep up w it n they would send overdue bills to the crib w my name on it
Mom- making me steal clothes from Salvation Army when I was 10 years old. She would make me wear a coat and some baggy sweat pants. Then she would ask me what I wanted from there and tell me to wear it under all my shit...I still remember how hot and heavy all them clothes felt

Dad- dude had an idea of what he envisioned a son should be and when that didnt happen for em, he kinda emotionally backed off. We good now though.

I think this is more common than people realize. Care into go into more detail, unless the shit is triggering?
I think this is more common than people realize. Care into go into more detail, unless the shit is triggering?

Look at this trauma greedy ass nigga here. Ol my parents were cool but tell me more head ass.