"... Bitter tastes are desirable in only a small set of foods at only moderate levels (e.g., tea, beer, grapefruit) and typically preference for these foods has to be learnt with infants and children being particularly averse towards bitter tastes (5). Plant breeding has selected for less-bitter varieties and food processing often involves peeling and chopping to remove the bitterest parts of the plant or more advanced processing methods to further reduce bitterness (e.g., treatment of orange juice with naringinase). However, there are cases when, rather than simply avoiding them, we want to encourage the consumption of bitter substances by increasing their palatability.

Many drugs and phytochemicals are bitter, and the unpleasant taste reduces compliance with a treatment regimen..

I mean... I can keep going, but sour and bitter are NOT the same at all. You would never call Tylenol "sour", it's bitter. Same for beer with lots of hops in it, it ain't sour, it's bitter. Grapefruit pith is extremely bitter and that's why most people only eat it with a spoon so you never have to deal with getting any part of that in their mouth.

but don't take my word for it, take a professional's:

"There is a phenomenon in the sensory world widely referred to as the sour-bitter confusion that commonly occurs among untrained assessors. This occurrence involves the assessor describing a sour sensation as bitter and/or a bitter sensation as sour, with the former being more predominant. This practice appears to be limited to predominantly English-speaking countries such as the United States, Great Britain, and New Zealand6. Debate in the past has centered on whether this confusion stems from a physiological disorder or simply a deficit in exposure to and training with sour and bitter tastes4,5,7.

Bitter and sour are two of the basic tastes and are found in a wide variety of foods and beverages to help balance the products flavor profiles. Compounds such as amino acids, peptides, esters, lactones, phenols and polyphenols, methylxanthines, flavonoids, terpenes, sulfimides, and organic and inorganic salts contribute to the bitter tastes in products such as coffee, tea, chocolate, and some fruits and vegetables2. Sour tastes are associated with hydrogen ions and organic acids and are found in such sour foods as jams and jellies, buttermilk, processed meats, sauerkraut, and other products1.

Despite different compounds contributing to the sour and bitter tastes in foods, several studies have recorded subjects frequently confusing the two terms when attempting to describe simple solutions made with sour and bitter substances. In a study conducted by Meiselman and Dzendolet5, 80 subjects tasted 10 mL aliquots of 15 mM sucrose (sweet), 50 mM NaCl (salty), 2 mM HCl (sour), and 20 mM KCl (bitter) and asked to describe the basic taste perceived for each solution. While all types of confusions were made, the sour-bitter confusion was the most common error made, occurring in 21.25% of the subjects (sour being called bitter more frequent than vice versa). The scientists then instilled a correction procedure in an attempt to train the subjects on the different tastes, but 35% of these subjects still made the sour-bitter error. These results led the researchers to attribute the sour-bitter confusion to a physiological defect analogous to abnormal color vision...

In other words... You're wrong.

The things that are best for our bodies usually have an unpleasant taste. Many herbs and plants with medicinal properties dont taste good. All thr things that give us high blood pressure and diabeetus taste good tho.

We are literally wired (or in another discussion, rewired. Thats for another day tho..) to crave things that kill us.
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my gaming aint never been in the way like that

if we didnt have kids I'd probably play more in the daytime but nothing extreme

I've always done my shit at night or on the slim chance everybody's gone
Aye dude probably one of those toxic niggaz that be at the park taking crazy. I be seeing dudes in there with over 3k park games under their belt. I be like ain't no way a working adult could achieve that