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What Was Your Favorite Subjects In School?

In all honesty

I outgrew my high school when I arrived.

the schools in philly assume black people are dumb.
I hated that shit

I was the only freshman in a senior math class.

and because of how arrogant I was....I didnā€™t go for 3/4 of the year and still passed.

shit sounds crazy right.
And this was one of the smart schools in the city.
I hardly ever passed English tho

my favorite subject was fuck shit cause I never found a mental challenge
Itā€™s crazy because my son was the same way.
He would do his 3rd grade work then go help out the fourth graders.
In college my two favs were management accounting and auditing. Mngt cuz it was allocating costs and I like tying things all together for good results and auditing cuz its the psychology of accounting.