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What type of face wash/lotion do you use?

Sup with the anti-itch cream bruh? :yikes1:

niggas outchea tellin on themselves.

Coconut Oil, but not just reggie coconut oil, UNREFINED, COLD PRESSED coconut oil.

Believe me, it's the best shit goin'! I basically use it as lotion and for my hair/beard. You can cook w/ it too btw.

Shea Butter is cool, but that shit WILL clog your pores. I use that mainly for skin imperfections.

I have sensitive oily, acne-prone skin. I also break out easily if there's a particular ingredient in a product my skin doesn't agree with. because of that, i can only use cleansers that are non-comedogenic. growing up I always thought skin issues and adult acne was something women primarily suffered from and had to put up with. But as i got into adulthood, I learned that is far from the truth and the reality is much more depressing. unfortunately, Im the only child in the family among all boys that have to put up with this bullshit. all my brothers virtually have no skin problems whatsoever. all they do is slap lotion on their ashy asses and go on their merry way. Me on the other hand, I have to follow a strict skin regimen like a bitch lol. (my brothers always tease me about that)

My dermatologist (who is black) recommended this face wash to me, so I use this one below. its by La Roche Posay. it works too. in fact, its one of the few facial cleansers that remove dirt and oil from my face all while not breaking me out. he also told me to follow that with Neutrogena's hydro boost water gel. and while im in the shower, i use shea moisture's African black soap for my back acne. so to anybody who's an acne sufferer and has tried everything, look into these 3 items. i firmly stand by them and will swear up and down to anyone who'll listen they work.




African soap & organic coconut oil for my face

Nivea lotion for body.

All the roid heads I know swear by African soap for preventing steroid acne. If it's wworking for them it must do wonders for people with just regular acne
Oatmeal and honey scrub first, then a oil cleanser.....dont really put lotion on my face...between being naturally oily and conditioning my hair and beard my face is never dry

just tried some Mint Julep shit that I cant really tell if I like yet