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Fuck dude! That’s some scary shit. I had covid last November but I had a very mild case. Shit was like the flu for me and I thought I was dying. I can’t even fathom what you went through. Get the damn shots.

Yeah I have type-2 diabetes. When I was admitted to the hospital my blood sugar was over 500 (it's supposed to be between 80-120). I had a heart attack, not sure if it was the diabetes or the covid, or both that caused the heart attack.

I spent the last two weeks of my hospital stay at a rehab clinic learning to walk again. I had been in bed for 2 months so my muscles were so weak from not doing anything that I couldn't stand up. I had a catheter in my d!ck, a bedpan, and the nurses were giving me sponge baths every other day. So when the covid was under control they sent me to a rehab clinic for two weeks and they had me doing exercises to strengthen my muscles so I could walk. When I first got out of the hospital I had trouble walking up the stairs (I live on the second floor). I'm almost back to normal now but I still have a peg tube coming out of my stomach. I have an appointment in a few weeks to get it removed.
Yeah I have type-2 diabetes. When I was admitted to the hospital my blood sugar was over 500 (it's supposed to be between 80-120). I had a heart attack, not sure if it was the diabetes or the covid, or both that caused the heart attack.

I spent the last two weeks of my hospital stay at a rehab clinic learning to walk again. I had been in bed for 2 months so my muscles were so weak from not doing anything that I couldn't stand up. I had a catheter in my d!ck, a bedpan, and the nurses were giving me sponge baths every other day. So when the covid was under control they sent me to a rehab clinic for two weeks and they had me doing exercises to strengthen my muscles so I could walk. When I first got out of the hospital I had trouble walking up the stairs (I live on the second floor). I'm almost back to normal now but I still have a peg tube coming out of my stomach. I have an appointment in a few weeks to get it removed.
Not trying to be funny but
I'm telling you Covid fucks up your memory. Even if I had them written down I wouldn't remember where I wrote them.

Have you ever written something down so you wouldn't forget it, and then when you come across it you don't remember what it is or why you wrote it down?

Damn bruh sounds like u need to jus get urself a whole new idenity n call it a day...maybe 6grand.
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You can get that acct back if you send pics of your gov ID to prove that it's you.
I woke up in a hospital bed with a tube in my throat to help me breathe and another tube in my stomach where they had been feeding me. I had something similar to gas mask covering my face giving me oxygen.

True story

When I came to, the doctor had something similar to a q-tip. It was a wooden stick about 4-5 inches long and he shoved it all the way up my nose. So I punched him in the face. In my defense, if you're gonna shove a q-tip up somebody's nose you should knock them out first with anesthesia or something. So they put me in 4-point restraints for a week. I was laying in a hospital bed basically handcuffed to the bed with my legs shackled with no memory of what happened or how I got there. And the nurses would come in every couple of hours and poke me with needles while I was in restraints.

Covid is no walk in the park.

Gat damn! I legit jus read this. This sounds like a horror movie wtf
Not to be that guy. But I only asked cuz the majority of ppl who get really fucked up from covid are morbidly obese.
I would also look into a secure password manager, that way you only have to remember 1 password versus 10
Contact your phone company if that would help.

IDK bruh I keep my passwords easy and written down in an easy to find place.

Plus my shit is connected to google and fills in a lot of passwords

also my phones are set to auto pay.