Welcome To aBlackWeb

What Should I Do?

Contact Facebook & Amazon explaining the situation...

They will require you to jump through some hoops to prove the accounts belong to you but you might be able to recover them...
Always use the same passwords with slight variations moving forward.

did the phone company say someone has your new number?

does it have an email option?

No offense but that's terrible advice. It's what people do, but it really does make it easy for people to all your shit if they break one thing.

The best thing to do is use separate complex passwords and save them to a secure file or use a password management app
No offense but that's terrible advice. It's what people do, but it really does make it easy for people to all your shit if they break one thing.

The best thing to do is use separate complex passwords and save them to a secure file or use a password management app
Not talking 123 dropbox

I mean wickedhobbit10acetone€! Type passwords
The best thing to do is use password manager in combination with a password generator

I tried to use one base password and just change it slightly across platforms but I would still end up forgetting

PWM along with PWG and you are good to go
It's old but the most reliable. Write the passwords down

I'm telling you Covid fucks up your memory. Even if I had them written down I wouldn't remember where I wrote them.

Have you ever written something down so you wouldn't forget it, and then when you come across it you don't remember what it is or why you wrote it down?
I'm telling you Covid fucks up your memory. Even if I had them written down I wouldn't remember where I wrote them.

Have you ever written something down so you wouldn't forget it, and then when you come across it you don't remember what it is or why you wrote it down?
For the next time put it by your PC or TV or something like that.

For now I'd do what was suggested and check out your passwords from your browser

I hadn't heard about the memory part though. That's scary. So how deep rooted was it? Did you know who you are when you woke up?
Having password saved to a browser in unsafe, convenient but unsafe....I don't do that shit anymore because I do alot of banking and I have stock brokerage account....and I pay my bills online

In todays climate, I'm not taking that risk
For the next time put it by your PC or TV or something like that.

For now I'd do what was suggested and check out your passwords from your browser

I hadn't heard about the memory part though. That's scary. So how deep rooted was it? Did you know who you are when you woke up?

I woke up in the hospital totally clueless. 2 weeks had gone by from when my landlord found me laying on the floor until when I woke up in the hospital. The nurses at the hospital told me what happened and I couldn't even remember where I lived (which apartment) or what I had been doing for the past few months prior to getting hospitalized.

Covid is a MONSTER.

Get the shots.
Start saving your passwords on your phone and store them in the secure folder. Use your note feature on your phone
Wouldnt you had to have made those people "close contacts" or something in order to go through that particular process?

Fb just be on some fuck shit,

And it showed the same people all the time.

I literally don't have contact with those people.

I just kept trying to login from time to time and one day it worked lol.

You also can't contact fb via mail,phone or chat.

Literally no way to get in touch with them regarding the issue.
Did your coma feel like a dream or did you just wake up 2 weeks later?

I woke up in a hospital bed with a tube in my throat to help me breathe and another tube in my stomach where they had been feeding me. I had something similar to gas mask covering my face giving me oxygen.

True story

When I came to, the doctor had something similar to a q-tip. It was a wooden stick about 4-5 inches long and he shoved it all the way up my nose. So I punched him in the face. In my defense, if you're gonna shove a q-tip up somebody's nose you should knock them out first with anesthesia or something. So they put me in 4-point restraints for a week. I was laying in a hospital bed basically handcuffed to the bed with my legs shackled with no memory of what happened or how I got there. And the nurses would come in every couple of hours and poke me with needles while I was in restraints.

Covid is no walk in the park.
Fuck dude! That’s some scary shit. I had covid last November but I had a very mild case. Shit was like the flu for me and I thought I was dying. I can’t even fathom what you went through. Get the damn shots.