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What Movie/TV Death Hit U The Hardest?

it wrapped up everything TOO much lol

it has a top 5 woat ending tho
I heard that which is why I havent watched it. Plus I forgot most of what happened the previous seasons so if I ever did wana see how it ended I'd have to watch it from the beginning and I'm not in the mood for that. I already know everything that happens tho so I guess I don't need to but still...
Full Disclosure:

I Sobbed Like A Bitch At The Series Finale Of Spartacus

300 Had Me In My Feels As Well

For Some Reason Them Macho Adrenaline Pumping Testosterone Filled Joints Have Me Feeling Some Kinda Way



My pops shed a tear for gladiator. He aint admit it tho
I heard that which is why I havent watched it. Plus I forgot most of what happened the previous seasons so if I ever did wana see how it ended I'd have to watch it from the beginning and I'm not in the mood for that. I already know everything that happens tho so I guess I don't need to but still...
The recap at the beginning of the premier will tell you everything you need to know tbh