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What Movie/TV Death Hit U The Hardest?

Goodfellas >>>>>>> scarface & godfathers

And add joe pesci death to the thread


Joe Pesci character deserved it
This one had me fucked up, but it's because of the situation I was in at the moment.

My fiancee at the time just had a miscarriage, but there were complications where she could have lost her life. She was 20, I was 23 and neither of us really knew how to deal with it. We were both fucked up behind it and it came to a head in a heated ass argument over the way it was handled emotionally after-the-fact. A week or so later and we were sitting off on either a Friday or Saturday and Strapped came on HBO. We were pouring drinks the whole flick and then this scene came on and it hit us both hard as fuck. She started all-out bawling and trying to comfort her, I started choking up myself 'cause it brought us both back to that morning when we lost our baby.

Please tell me they killed that nigga
U must root for the Feds when u watch gangster flicks


Bruh Joe Pesci straight shot the lil dude Chris from Sopranos for no reason. Now the made man he killed i understand.

Honestly them movies made me view Italians as ignorant assniggas.
Bruh Joe Pesci straight shot the lil dude Chris from Sopranos for no reason. Now the made man he killed i understand.

U bitchin about spider?

Man FUCK SPIDER. His daddy was a rat. His whole family was rats. He woulda grew up to be a rat.
cornbread....he didnt even do nuthin


Little foots mama



Raina (Power)

The daughter on Last of Us...fucked up right out the gate smh
Raina was nosey.
Emilio was in that life but didn't want the bad
Full Disclosure:

I Sobbed Like A Bitch At The Series Finale Of Spartacus

300 Had Me In My Feels As Well

For Some Reason Them Macho Adrenaline Pumping Testosterone Filled Joints Have Me Feeling Some Kinda Way


I didn't like Michael killing Fredo because Fredo was stupid and didn't understand what he was doing.

In that life that is the perfect fucking reason to kill someone. Besides being stupid Fredo was weak. Stupid and weak will fuck up anything from a criminal organization to a legit business.
The Red Wedding from GoT.

When Nucky killed Jimmy on Broadwalk Empire. This one really hurt.
When bertier died in remember the titans and they were all at his funeral at the end. I was SOBBING in the theater. Not really cuz I cared about bertier like that but that whole scene was sad af and they had that sad music playing and shit.

For TV deaths these pretty much broke me cuz I wasnt really into TV then so I was caught all the way off guard. I been desensitized to TV deaths ever since.

I never saw this one coming and Jesse's reaction to it made all the difference

Opie's wife death was rough too but lawd

This fucked me up only because of how brutal it was.
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