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What kind of water do you drink?

my neighbourhood in toronto is literally the worst spot in the city for lead pipes based on a survey i saw in a local paper (the houses are mostly built before 1954, after which lead use for pipes ceased). the city came to swap out the street pipes on my block last year for this very reason. unfortunately, landlords aren't obligated to change house pipes.

so i been carrying those big ass 19 litre (5 gallons for the americans) jugs from work. i fill em up there with the grocery stores filtration system. u could imagine the inconvenience of carrying about a 40lb water jug (that wrist and forearm strength tho), but until we get a reverse osmosis filtration system to put under the kitchen sink, it'll do.
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my neighbourhood in toronto is literally the worst spot in the city for lead pipes based on a survey i saw in a local paper (the houses are mostly built before 1954, after which lead use for pipes ceased). the city came to swap out the street pipes on my block last year for this very reason. unfortunately, landlords aren't obligated to change house pipes.

so i been carrying those big ass 19 litre (5 gallons for the americans) jugs from work. i fill em up there with the grocery stores filtration system. u could imagine the inconvenience of carrying about a 40lb water jug (that wrist and forearm strength tho), but until we get a reverse osmosis filtration system to put under the kitchen sink, it'll do.
Same shit in our city up north. Then the city added sodium hydroxide to lower the lead levels but then it created a shit ton of pin holes in everyone's pipes and now people are putting together a lawsuit against the city. House on south side all fucked up.
I got a big ass metal cooler I drink out of, so I use the sink. I have a filter refrigerator but it won't fit under there. I was reluctant to use the sink at first but ain't nothing wrong with it
Same shit in our city up north. Then the city added sodium hydroxide to lower the lead levels but then it created a shit ton of pin holes in everyone's pipes and now people are putting together a lawsuit against the city. House on south side all fucked up.

yeah u know it's bad when the kids at the local school near me are advised not to drink from the schools fountains. lead is especially harmful for kids and infants.

sometimes i think, wtf won't kill u? there's microplastics in containers, BPA in tin cans, heavy metals in water, vehicle fumes engulfing city blocks, pesticides on produce, harmful preservatives in food, contaminants in body care products, molds in homes... the list just goes on.

these things aren't likely to cause acute symptoms but will insidiously fuck ur shit up as the toxins add up over years of exposure. part of the reason these companies dgaf. they can't get sued because who's to say any one companies products caused a persons cancer 30 years down the road?

ppl gotta do their research and act accordingly to whatever extent their money might allow it.
I remember that shit as a youngin, I used to have that pitcher and my grandfather would put the pitcher in the sink to get water from the faucet and it would filter the water out with drips until it reaches to the top then we would drink it.

Dude really wrote a play by play account of how a water filter works.
whatever's around honestly. filtered, tap, bottled, seltzer, mineral, etc... if you're asking preference then i'd say seltzer.
I just bought a Brita water filter pitcher about two weeks ago from Target. Love it.

Did a taste test to see if it there was a difference in drinking the water straight out the tap or using the filter pitcher. Much different taste in the water from the pitcher.

Before that, was drinking Aquafina bottled water and I was tired of helping bringing in them heavy ass cases (24pk) on a bad back. Then I was throwing out some bottles b/c sometimes crap would be floating in them.