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What Killed MySpace?

I hated that MySpace got clapped up. It weren't alot of narcissism on there
FB has a much easier streamlined experience for the masses. MS had HTML code and music and shit, your Mom's and Pop's is not fucking with that...
To me it started with one of the updates they made that was so heavy handed it could bring nearly any PC to it's knees. I remember trying to log in and it would take something like a minute or so just to get the login screen pulled up, then 3 full minutes just to get in and load up. That's when people really started jumping ship to FB. Last time I logged in late summer of 2011 the shit was so ridiculously slow I just closed my accounts.
I remember when FB was first taking off, all the Christians said it was the best spot for them to fellowship bc MySpace was evil. lol
That lil white girl getting her neck snapped and body thrown in a dumpster by a predator she met on MySpace. The lawsuits kept coming in.
I was done with it when they did this big ass redesign to the site. Shit was bout already dead but that's what put the nail in the coffin.

But with people putting all that BS up on their page making the page slower, MF catching feelings about why they weren't higher on they Top 8 friends and shit, rappers spamming their music on your page etc, shit was bound to happen.

But I fucked with that shit tho. lol.