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What is the biggest scam in society that is deemed acceptable?

Equality. We are not equal as long as some have more and others have less. False equality. But nobody ready for true equality. That shit is only gonna happen when this shit show finally hits the fan, society as we know will be ruined and only then will we have the capacity to see what is of true worth. It won't be money.

Well that's called communism. Communism means that everybody is equal. But the problem with that is some people work harder than others so they deserve/should get more than somebody who doesn't work as hard.

I mean, person A shows up to work at 9:00am and leaves at 5:00 every day. Person B shows up at 8:30am, doesn't take breaks and stays until 7:00pm every day. Clearly person B is more valuable to the company because he works more hours and gets more done. Person B should get paid more and should get a raise and a promotion when the time comes.

Especially when person B figures out a way to get the job done faster.

In this example Person B deserves a raise and a bonus.


Has anyone said inflation yet??

WTF is inflation?

How could the cost goods n services go up jus cuz of time yet wages are stagnant!!!

Thats 100% bullshit.

It has to do with M1, the total amount of money. Let's say the total amount of money is $1Trillion. That's the total amount of money that's ever been printed; M1.

If there's a total of $1 Trillion printed and a cheeseburger and fries costs $5, a six pack of beer costs $9, and a newspaper costs $2 then those prices will remain the same until there is more money printed. If now there is $1.1 Trillion then it stands to reason that the cost of goods is going to go up accordingly.

So it's not that the cost of goods is going up, it's that there's more money being printed so the cost of goods goes up in synchronization with the amount of money that's being printed. It's really just an illusion.
telling mofos that just working hard and conforming to the rules will make u successful

plenty of folks just won't admit that the "success" game is rigged, especially in corporate environments the closer u get to the top

mofos are quicker to get promoted for being likable vs. bringing actual value or talent to a companyšŸ˜’
Well that's called communism. Communism means that everybody is equal. But the problem with that is some people work harder than others so they deserve/should get more than somebody who doesn't work as hard.

I mean, person A shows up to work at 9:00am and leaves at 5:00 every day. Person B shows up at 8:30am, doesn't take breaks and stays until 7:00pm every day. Clearly person B is more valuable to the company because he works more hours and gets more done. Person B should get paid more and should get a raise and a promotion when the time comes.

Especially when person B figures out a way to get the job done faster.

In this example Person B deserves a raise and a bonus.

It has to do with M1, the total amount of money. Let's say the total amount of money is $1Trillion. That's the total amount of money that's ever been printed; M1.

If there's a total of $1 Trillion printed and a cheeseburger and fries costs $5, a six pack of beer costs $9, and a newspaper costs $2 then those prices will remain the same until there is more money printed. If now there is $1.1 Trillion then it stands to reason that the cost of goods is going to go up accordingly.

So it's not that the cost of goods is going up, it's that there's more money being printed so the cost of goods goes up in synchronization with the amount of money that's being printed. It's really just an illusion.
Yeah not really what I was talking about but I see what you're saying and why you would say that.
Bar far

"Hey I know an invisible being who created the universe.It wants you to live your life for it and we need your money and if you don't give me your money,you can't hang with me while I tell you what the invisible being who created the universe said and every once in while we might sacrifice ppl,do strange rituals and maybe we can have weird sex practices too.Is that your wife?"

The other day I was telling my girl religions are basically cults.

If I wrote a book today, recruited millions of people based on that book, told people how to live their lives, and if they don't listen to me I punish them, I'd be called a cult leader.
The other day I was telling my girl religions are basically cults.

If I wrote a book today, recruited millions of people based on that book, told people how to live their lives, and if they don't listen to me I punish them, I'd be called a cult leader.
They are cults.

After a cult goes mainstream after generations practice it, it's called a religion.

YOOOOOšŸ”„ Like I was this close to my life purpose and mission was taking down the tow truck industry in Denver,CO. Like I literally was on the back of my jeep in 2016 reciting laws and screaming to my neighbors to call the police. It was the beginning a war. The companies were operating illegal and just rampant. Targeting low income people who "didn't have the means to really take action.I took my complaint to the apartment complex. They at 1st was like we can't do anything. I was like I have a sticker that I pay for from your apartment that saids my vehicle can't get towed. Me and a gang of residents hired lawyers it was ridiculous.

Shit ended because the corrupt apartment owners sold the complex, thus suspending their contract with the tow company. The tow companies was illegally towing cars and the city was doing jack shit. Ahhh that industry is so got damn fraudulent.
Basically anything else someone tells you is a scam (philosophically speaking). Every single person has their own mind. But the moment you are born.You are taught how to behave, think and feel. You are a scam to yourself until you know your true self.
I worked at an investment banking firm for a few weeks. My job was to make cold calls and try to convince people to talk to one of the brokers. I'd call 200-300 people per day and if I could get one or two of them to speak to a broker then I did my job.

The stockbroker's job was to hustle the person out of their money. Basically they get the client/sucker to agree to let the stockbroker make trades that he deems to be good trades and pay himself a small fee for every transaction. So in theory if the broker buys 10,000 shares of ABC stock @ $10/share and sells those 10,000 shares when the stock goes up to $10.02/share the portfolio goes from being worth $100,000 to being worth $100,200. In that case there is a $200 profit. Sounds good right?

You might think that if a stockbroker does that all day he can make $200 here, another $300 there, etc.

You might also think that if the stockbroker is doing that all day long he could make $2,000 - $5,000 for his customer.

The problem is that the client/sucker doesn't know how the market works, and if he did he'd do it himself instead of letting a stockbroker do it for him. The stockbroker thinks his client is an idiot. Why would you pay somebody to manage your money rather than learning how to manage it yourself? Especially if you have a lot of money? Like, say you're a professional athlete, or maybe you just won the lottery and you have $100M to invest. The stockbrokers can't understand why a person who just acquired $100M would trust a stockbroker with their money rather than learning how the market works and managing their own money themselves.

Keep in mind, stockbrokers do business over the phone. They don't even meet the people in person. They just call the person on the phone and hustle them over the phone. They get the person to agree to pay a fee for every transaction. And the phone call is recorded so the client/sucker is on tape giving the broker permission to make transactions on the client/sucker's behalf and pay himself a fee for making the transaction. By the end of the day the client/sucker's investment goes from $100K to zero. Or it might take a week to go from $100M to zero. When it's all said and done the broker get's half and the firm get's the other half. Everybody that works for the firm eats good and drives a luxury car.

The customer gets ripped off and has no recourse because he gave the broker permission to make trades and pay himself a fee after every transaction. The conversation is on tape.

You know how many woman lie about who the potential father is. Once you sign the birth certificate legally you are the father even if you aren't the paternal father.

I've seen so many paternity court episodes where the man wasn't the biological father but had to pay child support cuz he signed the birth certificate
You know how many woman lie about who the potential father is. Once you sign the birth certificate legally you are the father even if you aren't the paternal father.

I've seen so many paternity court episodes where the man wasn't the biological father but had to pay child support cuz he signed the birth certificate
Globally how common do you think this issue is what percentage would you give it?