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What do you struggle with?.

Sounds like some of yall struggle with being females


I gotta go...
Soberity at the moment

what u on bro?

U aint gotta answer that if u dont want lol

I just know I aint never heard/seen no shit like that from you

I can tell you all about any one of them roads you think you may be going down rn

it aint shit tho.....nothing.....skip that shit and go hit that bike trail

got a feeling you know this tho
I struggle with math.
I use to love it but now I hate it so much I use a calculator for almost EVERYTHING!!
I can count money though....:ballin:
My weight.

I need to get back into running shape. 6'1" tall and 235lbs ain't cool. At my physical peak I was 155 lbs w/3% bodyfat. Bench 200 lbs, squat just over 300lbs, leg press and calf raises were a solid 630lbs and I could run the 200M at near Olympic times. If I could even get down to 165-170 with just some of that strength back I'll be happy.


I'll do something about it later.
what u on bro?

U aint gotta answer that if u dont want lol

I just know I aint never heard/seen no shit like that from you

I can tell you all about any one of them roads you think you may be going down rn

it aint shit tho.....nothing.....skip that shit and go hit that bike trail

got a feeling you know this tho
Liquor b

Nothing hard just the drank

I was doing good but welp
ay man....while im sure you're in control u already got some bad terminology about it lol

alcoholism is one of the worst addictions, period.

but they'll be the main ones that say shit like "just" or "only" drank

shit'll kill you looooong before X or cocaine brah

go chill w/ a wino that aint had a drink today
My weight too. Bad Food is just too good.

It ain't that, it's I got into sedentary jobs. When I worked retail my weight stayed in check, even after I got lazy and stopped working out and running. When I started doing office work my weight started creeping up on me.