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REALLY REALLY REALLY into Greek life shit?

I'm talking they doing posts about countdown to founders day, most of their wardrobe is colored like their organization, they spend practically every waking hour doing something with the organization, they even push that on their kids, etc...

I sweater gawd that shit gets on my nerves. Every other sentence is "my line sister this, my line sister that".

Kinda creeps me out and outside of me being a common denominator in all these situations, they all appear to have very weird views about subjects that interest me.

Anyway, what say y'all
It’s very “cult like” if you ask me and I tend to avoid people who are way too deep into organizations than they need to be.

Even if they claim it’s for the “betterment of society”

It’s the same shit as Freemasons, dogmatic religions, paganism etc…

And the marriages between people in those groups are always full of dark secrets
It’s very “cult like” if you ask me and I tend to avoid people who are way too deep into organizations than they need to be.

Even if they claim it’s for the “betterment of society”

It’s the same shit as Freemasons, dogmatic religion, paganism etc…
It's eerie af cause in my experience, most of the same things were common themes in their lives growing up which imo creates this void they've filled with Greek organizations
REALLY REALLY REALLY into Greek life shit?

I'm talking they doing posts about countdown to founders day, most of their wardrobe is colored like their organization, they spend practically every waking hour doing something with the organization, they even push that on their kids, etc...

I sweater gawd that shit gets on my nerves. Every other sentence is "my line sister this, my line sister that".

Kinda creeps me out and outside of me being a common denominator in all these situations, they all appear to have very weird views about subjects that interest me.

Anyway, what say y'all
An emphatic, not just no, but HELL NO...period

That goes for dating or close friends...can't do it...that kind of mentality is super weird to me
I’ve read things about many famous people, celebrities being related to each other through those different fraternities

So I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of incest went down in those families
Just a member? Wouldn't think twice. I'd avoid anyone who is so into whatever group or organization they're in that it becomes a dominant personality trait though.
In my personal experience,I have yet to meet a chick that's in a sorority who didn't behave very cult like regarding said sorority
In my personal experience,I have yet to meet a chick that's in a sorority who didn't behave very cult like regarding said sorority

I've seen both extreme ends of the spectrum where it either becomes their identity or youd never know theyre a member unlesd they tols you...and also those that lie in the middle where you know they're a member but they're only super on when it's an event or anniversary of some sort.

While some folks do make too much of what membership can bring tbh I've run into more non Greeks who have this weird obsession with it and always with the "I know everything that happens even though I've never done it" type. That's just as weird to me. I'd be wary of a non Greek that has a weird anti stance just as much as I'd be wary of a Greek who made it their entire identity
I really try to look at things in it's totality but it's really hard for me to overlook certain things in a chick once she tells me she's in a sorority
Mannnn I thought this was just me.. I don't wanna be disrespectful but I'm not dating a sorority girl period anymore.. I don't know if it's this way everywhere but in MS it's very cult like.. I can't do it
REALLY REALLY REALLY into Greek life shit?

I'm talking they doing posts about countdown to founders day, most of their wardrobe is colored like their organization, they spend practically every waking hour doing something with the organization, they even push that on their kids, etc...

I sweater gawd that shit gets on my nerves. Every other sentence is "my line sister this, my line sister that".

Kinda creeps me out and outside of me being a common denominator in all these situations, they all appear to have very weird views about subjects that interest me.

Anyway, what say y'all

No big deal to me fraternal and sororities type orgs have always been around
I have no idea never met anyone who was over the top with them being an over involved member. I can see how that shit could be extremely annoying and deal breaker though.
Dated 2 Zetas, an AKA, and a Delta. Thankfully all tree'em wasn't extreme wit theirs.

My ex who is a Zeta repped it...wasn't full on crazy wit it. Same wit the other chick. Both had Zeta paraphernalia around here and there. But wasn't draped all out wit it.

My ex who was an AKA...FDB. She repped probably harder than the others. But it's still FDB.

The Delta I don't recall her having or wearing anything that repped her sorority. Only Delta thing I remember her doin was her chewing out one of the pledges over the phone. Lol!
There's a chick from high school that I follow on IG. She single, no kids, never been married.

She's not a bad looking woman imo. But 9/10 of her posts are about her sorority. If I'm trying to shoot my shot, I'm like nah, she'll be trying to always incorporate them into dates and shit.
Dates? Shiiieeeettt...imagine what her wedding gonna look like if she does get married.