Welcome To aBlackWeb

COMMUNITY What Changes Would You Like to See On ABW?

ABW needs a wall to keep out the IC refugees.

And the IC should pay for it

  • Wrestling Section was created.
  • Knowledge Section won’t be happening, as there are no knowledge threads made. You can make those threads under the Lifestyle Forum.
  • Theme and colors won’t be changed.
  • Games are being discussed. That will be a way to earn money. Games also don’t have to be hosted by mods or the owner. Anyone is free to host these games and come up with games.
  • Donkey of the week has made its return.
  • There will be no white appreciation day.
  • Sections are organized and won’t be changing.

If someone wants to host a particular game will prize funds be provided by the mods and/or Goldie?
Picks @IP360 soooo....
Current events would be defined as world news(political)
News everyday bullshit ( shit like Celebrity on goings or whatever)

True true.

Can even name that celebrity news forum after BL's thread, or similar. Like "Celebrity Tea" or something

  • Wrestling Section was cream ted.
  • Knowledge Section won’t be happening, as there are no knowledge threads made. You can make those threads under the Lifestyle Forum.
  • Theme and colors won’t be changed.
  • Games are being discussed. That will be a way to earn money. Games also don’t have to be hosted by mods or the owner. Anyone is free to host these games and come up with games.
  • Donkey of the week has made its return.
  • There will be no white appreciation day.
  • Sections are organized and won’t be changing.

Hope that’s cremated and not created