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COMMUNITY What Changes Would You Like to See On ABW?

So what I’m doing is making each suggestion a thread and mods are discussing each and EVERY suggestion and making a decision based on our collaboration.

Thanks for the suggestions so far.
Wrestling subforum.

“Battle of sexes” games and debates with ABW bucks/merch on the line. Do one every week or every other week.

Someone else in another thread mentioned ABW bucks for posters in the top reax list
Already a Wrestling section.
Whether they like to admit it or not niggas like threads that breed controversy. They like threads that they know will pit people against eachother or cause some type of drama.

Just peep the thread that generated this one. It had what? 14-15 pages? Shit theres probably more now but where are those people in this thread here that for the most part has been positive?

No where to be found. But let niggas start getting at eachothers throats again and I guarantee you gonna have another 14-15 page thread.

Funny thing is it can be about some shit thats already been discussed & argued about 10,000. It don't matter.. niggas still gone show up.

Now as far as improvements go I like what @Whispering Eye said about moving the games to the Cool Table. I think it'd make them easier to find if they were all in one place.

New games wouldn't hurt either but at the same time I feel like the old games not being hosted enough unless im just missing them? I know that the host got lives and shit so maybe you can just open them up for others to guest host if they want to, kind of like what was being done with the MKs in the Record Store.
Whether they like to admit it or not niggas like threads that breed controversy. They like threads that they know will pit people against eachother or cause some type of drama.

Just peep the thread that generated this one. It had what? 14-15 pages? Shit theres probably more now but where are those people in this thread here for the most part has been positive?

No where to be found. But let niggas start getting at eachothers throats again and I guarantee you gonna have another 14-15 page thread.

Funny thing is it can be about some shit thats already been discussed & argued about 10,000. It don't matter.. niggas still gone show up.

Now as far as improvements go I like what @Whispering Eye said about moving the games to the Cool Table. I think it'd make them easier to find if they were all in one place.

New games wouldn't hurt either but at the same time I feel like the old games not being hosted enough unless im just missing them? I know that the host got lives and shit so maybe you can just open them up for others to guest host if they want to, kind of like what was being done with the MKs in the Record Store.
That’s an issue. We aren’t against others hosting games. They just don’t wanna do it.
Less crying. Just a suggestion.

I take that back...the crying is entertaining and laughs.

Maybe some sort of penalty if you get X amount of wacks on a post you make and some sort of reward if you get X amount of goats
We tried this and somebody was crying they was picked everyweek
Whether they like to admit it or not niggas like threads that breed controversy. They like threads that they know will pit people against eachother or cause some type of drama.

Just peep the thread that generated this one. It had what? 14-15 pages? Shit theres probably more now but where are those people in this thread here that for the most part has been positive?

No where to be found. But let niggas start getting at eachothers throats again and I guarantee you gonna have another 14-15 page thread.

Funny thing is it can be about some shit thats already been discussed & argued about 10,000. It don't matter.. niggas still gone show up.

Now as far as improvements go I like what @Whispering Eye said about moving the games to the Cool Table. I think it'd make them easier to find if they were all in one place.

New games wouldn't hurt either but at the same time I feel like the old games not being hosted enough unless im just missing them? I know that the host got lives and shit so maybe you can just open them up for others to guest host if they want to, kind of like what was being done with the MKs in the Record Store.

Controversy sells. Goldie could contain it within a subsection like the SL on the IC.
Gaming forum seems slow, need some online comps or some shit, with ABW money for winners/tourney winners.

May be hard to go about tho due to different types of gamer.

Other than that, I’m cool with the site.

The complaining will likely never go away, can’t please everyone.

Can’t be all that bad tho as they’d rather stick around and complain than find a new spot to be active at.

1) changing of colors can def make a place look new and fresh.
2) the forum categories are cool I think the sub cats can be put into drop down opposed to as they are.
3) with the 12 or so forum cats there should be a "mod" or curator to boost numbers and participation.

We as a crew need to just talk more and build. Nothing is for free so if we gotta pitch in to help drive this more every member should have no issue helping if they want ABW to continue to flourish.

The driving force to this gets tired and eventually will run out of ideas.