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I just wanted to see what you was gonna say😂😂

But I am downloading the New World Aeternum beta

Been looking to get into a game like this for a min

Might give Balder's Gate 3 a run also

Found this at a Mom and Pop store last week used. 10 bucks. Still had the dlc code in the box. Was told no guarantee it still worked. Got home, plugged the code in an voila much to my surprise

I got the game at launch ten years ago on PS4

Been speed rushing it to end just to replay Tresspaser

Knight Enchanter mage for the win
@Suckio Andretti

What's a good game like Pokemon or final fantasy?

Wanna try one of those.
Pokémon and final fantasy are two different type games though lol

I also can no longer recommend a Pokémon game as it’s way too trash now

Sounds like you wanna play a JRPG though

Let em look into my RPG folder in my game library

If you wanna do dungeon crawling and control diff “monsters” that’s really in the realm of persona but I doubt you have 100 hours of narrative and social life to delve into

So I’ll give you decent intro game where it’s a bit of fantasy but a sense of adventure and the game isn’t terribly long as its about 32-36 hours

Ys 8 Lacirmosa Of Dana

If you can put yourself in the right mindset and ignore the graphics, while the combat isn’t terribly deep, it’s pretty fun. There’s exploration, an interesting story you don’t come across often, and just a fun adventure

This was my first foray into the world of games from Falcom (who are pretty famous for the music in their games)

I think it’s a good game to enjoy playing without thinking so hard and it never got boring to me because the mystery of it all was engaging. It’s an ARPG so you’re fighting in real time, there’s no random encounters or turn based batting. There also isn’t heavy crafting or customization so there’s no way you get overwhelmed while there is character and weapon upgrading

I highly recommend it though
If you play that and like it you about to be my best friend lol

Then I can shove a bunch of games down your throat and you never gonna play a base building survival game again
lol im chillin. from the little I know about it I actually think AP might enjoy that game.. Did they get rid of the slavery yet?
The slavery made it fun lol

Oh idk I stopped caring about that game to follow up on it a long time ago

He would enjoy it though he can base build and play pokemon lol