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What Are You Cooking for Dinner Tonight??

Oh really you ruined it when you posted them joints then came back and posted them soft batch Keebler joints that you took straight out the bag like you cooked em yourself

cut it out

that was the prettiest batch of cookies u ever seen u donut grilling ass nigga u

i timed that shit to perfection, the fact that you don't believe I done it just lets me know that you liked that shit

cut it out

that was the prettiest batch of cookies u ever seen u donut grilling ass nigga u

i timed that shit to perfection, the fact that you don't believe I done it just lets me know that you liked that shit

Shit was trash just own up to it bruh
i can cook redemption cookies until my hands bleed and this nigga will never let me live this shit down


Bruh please tell me you didn't do this lawddddddd. How you grilling and still manage to burn the shit?

You still got training wheels on the grill take that darn foil off the grates.

And what the fuck is that in the top pic

I know all this shit went to them dog of yours.
Damn you got my side hurting