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OPINION What are movies you like that most people generally dislike?

Stomp the Yard...
Very Bad Things

movie got horrible reviews. critics shitted on it. But I think its funny af. GOAT dark comedy. I stil lol @ it
Get him To the Greek

Watchmen had really mixed reactions but i loved it. Especially the directors cut

House of 1000 Corpses

The Devils Rejects

Due Date


Horrible Bosses 1 and 2

Get Him To The Greek and Due Date are criminally underrated, imo. Those shits are hilarious to me. Especially Due Date.
The Watch with Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill. Movie was funny af imo. got bad reviews, but I dug it
Very Bad Things

movie got horrible reviews. critics shitted on it. But I think its funny af. GOAT dark comedy. I stil lol @ it
European critics loved it. I think the problem is dark humour plays better to normally straight man audiences while American humour is based either on the underdog becoming the hero or slapstick. I think only Sam Raimi has made chainsaw gore kills humorous before VBT.