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Waka Flocka gets ph.D

Everybody here that put in enough work for a legitimate institution of higher education to recognize you with an honorary degree... you're welcome to mock.

And I know yall don't know, but not all honorary degrees are achieved the same way. Give the black man his praise.

So when you meet him are you addressing him as Dr. Flocka Flame or nah?
Thats cool...But waka needs to brush up on the grammar "I got Honorary Doctorate in Philanthropy and Humanitarianism... my work just beginning" Come on bruh...SMH
It's an instagram caption. Not a doctoral dissertation. Bruh
Lmao....gettin honored for humanitarianism and philanthropy is nothing to sneeze at. What I think ppls issue is, mine included, is the "degree" part. In the words of Stephen A Smith......we dont care.
What I see is people who saw the headline "Waka Flocka gets ph.D", cared enough to open the thread, saw what he was being honored for, and their first thought was "A degree? Pfffft".

I don't give a damn if he was honored with a piece of toilet paper if he's actually doing things to help people in need, especially when his upbringing could have landed him on a much different course.
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I'm gonna be the first to admit I'm lowkey in my feelings about this. 10 years I didn't even think Waka could read, let alone pass a standardized academic exam. Never question a person's intelligence outside of their art. Props to dude.

He didn't get an actual Ph.D
Read the thread.
Lol honorary degrees don’t require coursework

Screw the details... 10 years ago it was either rap, jail or death for Waka. We the same age...I got homies that'll never see that opportunity cuz they're either dead, too stuck in the streets or too busy chasing a rap dream. Intelligence isn't only defined by academia. I'm not doing shit with my degree I got 12 years ago. Let's say you're both right... I for one am still not gonna downplay Waka's intelligence, especially if I'm not in a better position with a more solidified degree.
You sure? 100% of them?
I made a general statement, not a universally encompassing statement.

If you require every statement of fact to include a "some", "all", or "some but not all" disclaimer, the internet is going to be very difficult for you.
Jesus fuckin Christ lol Barack Obama is never going to get an honorary degree in microbiology anymore than Michael Eric Dyson would get an honorary degree in economics... unless they put in the work in those areas enough to be honored.

I really don't think SOME of you understand how and why honorary degrees are conferred.
I made a general statement, not a universally encompassing statement.

If you require every statement of fact to include a "some", "all", or "some but not all" disclaimer, the internet is going to be very difficult for you.

Just saying you making an undue assumption.

I Internet just fine good sir