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Video:Sacramento Pigs Shot Unarmed Black Man in His Yard 20 Times. Update:The DA won’t file charges

Can y'all imagine what would happen to those pigs if they woulda fired 20 shots at a dog?

Not only would they be terminated, they'd probably be looking at some jail time and/or a huge fine.

But, in this case, no charges will be filed and they'll go on with their lives.

Ok I'm hearing different things about this....was stephon actually the person breaking car windows that they were looking for? Cuz I'm hearing ppl say he was just in the yard and they mistook him for the actual suspect.

Kings owner calls for unity amid police protests

Sacramento Kings owner Vivek Ranadive addressed a small crowd inside Golden1 Center after the team's delayed game Thursday against the Atlanta Hawks, as protests took place around Sacramento in the wake of the weekend police shooting of an unarmed black man.

Protesters holding signs with messages such as "Shut it down" converged arm-in-arm outside the Kings' home arena before the game to demonstrate Sunday's fatal shooting of 22-year-old Stephon Clark.

Ranadive, surrounded by Kings players on the court, expressed sympathies to Clark's family and recognized the franchise's role as a community leader.

"We are so very sorry for your loss,'' Ranadive said. "We at the Kings recognize people's abilities to protest peacefully, and we respect that. We here at the Kings realize that we have a big platform. It's a privilege, but it's also a responsibility. It's a responsibility that we take very seriously, and we stand here before you, old, young, black, white, brown, and we are all united in our commitment.

"We recognize that it is not just business as usual, and we are going to work really hard to bring everybody together to make the world a better place, starting in our own community. We are going to work really hard to prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again.''

Following protests outside of the Golden 1 Center, Sacramento Kings owner Vivek Ranadivé promises to help create a change.

The protest outside of the Golden1 Center delayed the game for about 20 minutes. Dozens of police attempted to clear entrances, where protesters formed a human chain blocking fans trying to attend the game and surrounded main entrances to the arena, before spectators eventually began to trickle in. There was shouting but no apparent violence as frustrated fans waited outside.

An estimated crowd of fewer than 2,000 made it into the 17,600-seat Golden1 Center before police decided to not allow anyone else to enter. Several of those who did get in were allowed to move down into the lower bowl of the arena, leaving the upper deck empty.

There was also talk of canceling or postponing the game, before the NBA made the decision to play.

"Basketball was secondary tonight," Hawks coach Mike Budenholzer said. "The league obviously made the decision that I think was in the best interest of the safety of the fans that were already in the arena. I think it was the right decision by the league but certainly not an easy one.''

Sacramento's Vince Carter said players from both teams talked to one another about the situation throughout the game. An eight-time All-Star, Carter praised Ranadive's postgame comments.

"What Vivek said speaks volumes,'' Carter said. "Regardless of your skin color, it's just what's right and what's wrong and how we can support each other, even if it has nothing to do with you. Lend a hand and support. That's the message that needs to shine through all of this."

Added Kings forward Garrett Temple: "I think the protest did what it was supposed to do. It brought light to what's going on. I think that's what protests are for. And after that, something has to change."

The Kings later issued a statement regarding potential refunds for those fans who were unable to get inside.

"Tonight's game began with a delay," the team said in the statement. "Due to law enforcement being unable to ensure ticketed fans could safely enter the arena, the arena remains closed, and we ask fans outside to travel home. We will issue further information soon regarding a refund.''

The protesters earlier marched from Sacramento City Hall and onto a nearby freeway, disrupting rush-hour traffic and holding signs with messages such as "Sac PD: Stop killing us!''

In speaking about the protesters blocking the entrances, Kings season-ticket holder Barbara Mitchell, who is black, told the Sacramento Bee she was "appalled by what happened to the young man. It was a travesty. So as much as I love basketball, it's OK. I'm not angry. I admire them for taking the time to protest an injustice.''

Clark was shot Sunday. Police say they feared he had a handgun when they confronted him after reports that a man had been breaking windows. But police found only a cellphone.


Sacramento mayor asks city to 'remain peaceful' after fatal police shooting of black man

With his city on edge, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg called on the “community to remain peaceful” four days after two police officers shot and killed an unarmed black man in his grandparents’ backyard in Meadowview.

“Emotions are understandably high. People are anguished. They’re angry and they are upset. I understand it, and we understand it,” the mayor told reporters at City Hall. “I urge our community to remain peaceful, to respect one another, to try and be extra kind to each other. Let us channel our anguish into healing and to justice.”

Moments after the mayor spoke, Black Lives Matter and other activists staged a protest at City Hall. Some people carried yellow signs reading “Sac PD: STOP KILLING US!”

Stephon Clark was shot in a barrage of bullets by two officers who said he had a gun; only a cell phone was found next to his body. Clark’s family is also questioning whether their loved one was the man officers were searching for after a neighbor called 911 to report someone breaking into cars.

The officers who shot Clark did not identity themselves as police. Emergency personnel also waited several minutes before beginning medical aid on Clark.

Steinberg said police officials will spend the next two weeks examining department policies on when officers should use non-lethal force; how many shots officers should fire at suspects; how long cops should wait before rendering medical aid to people they have shot; and whether they should identify themselves as police in incidents when force is used. He said officials would give a report on those policies to the City Council on April 10.

“The tragedy warrants not only our sorrow, but a deep examination of what occurred and the policies and procedures must be examined and changed to minimize the chance that this happens again,” the mayor said.

Steinberg was criticized by residents on social media after saying Wednesday night that he would not “second guess” the actions of the officers who shot Clark. He said Thursday that his comments were “unartful.”

“It is not fair in my opinion to render a judgment on the specifics of this case until more facts are known that explain what we all saw in the video,” the mayor said.

Steinberg also expressed sympathy for the African American community. “It is vital that we give voice to the pain in our community, especially the African American community,” he said. “There is far too much history, too much pain not to say loud and clear: ‘The death of one more young man of color is one too many.’

“Change begins with truth,”” he added. “It is a different experience for a young African American man to walk down the street on a Saturday night with his friends. It is a far different experience for an African American mother or father to watch their son leave their house for a job or for a good time and wonder, ‘God will I ever see him again?’’’

Steinberg also gave support to police officers, who he said “put their lives on the line every single day.”

Downtown protest over death of Stephon Clark turns ugly Friday

Peaceful protests Thursday in Sacramento gave way to chaos Friday as marchers broke at least one car window while shutting down streets near City Hall, angry over the police shooting of Stephon Clark.

At about 2:15 p.m., a sometimes-disorderly crowd of about 150 marchers arrived in front of old City Hall on I Street after marching from the Capitol.

There, marchers confronted a woman in an SUV with whom they appeared to have a verbal altercation. A protester jumped on the hood of her car. Another smashed her back window as she slowly tried to drive away.

Folks maybe are slowly starting to turn up...
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