Correct me if I’m wrong but the govt gives away money every year to all sorts of projects (that other groups as you have mentioned use whether it’s loans or grants to start businesses and as Kamala proposed to buy homes) which then via Congress to disburse the funds where everyone gets funding for their district or locality to act as an economic stimulus or multiplier. White communities have consistently used these funds to add to law enforcement and prisons and anything of the sorts. The problem is your representatives are either sold out and have no fear of retribution fuck not voting for them again they have no fear at all. The point others have made and supported by your barrage of comments of other groups that actually lobby a politician to do their bidding and push their agenda. Again I seriously question if you truly read upon Dr Claude Anderson as he proposed an economic multplier package to revitalize major black cities in the south which will effect wages, real estate prices and growth in business where Black ppl have roots. This cannot be argued against just by witnessing the growth of FL cities on the I4/I95 corridor where the bright line is looking to expanded in line with growth. He himself came out and advise for ppl to go vote though he was a staunch advocate of Couch Gang.
Wealth is maintained when markets are stable would you agree as if you invest at all you would know the market can stall you out even if you made the right bet. Black folks, I believe made strides in closing the wealth gap by advancing in real estate, businesses, stocks, options, commodities, forex l, futures and crypto. So they would rather vote for stability while they build their wealth to buy out these politicians holding the Democrats agenda hostage until your demands are met ala Joe Manchin/Kristen Sinema.
Keep in mind you still pay taxes and your tax dollars are still going to fucking up other countries making it harder for those black immigrants to make a living so. #CouchGang
Dr. Claude states propping up someone with the same vision as him. Keeping resources all to yourself and your group. I read all about how Dr. Claude proposed things to bring up downtown Detroit back in his hey day, what they are about to do NOW and in the future in Detroit, he been on that plan, he spoke about it, I read all of his efforts to help out the education department under President Carter down in Florida. I know the man's work and effort. I still follow and listen to him
I'll ask you, Have you read his last book called A Black History Reader: 101 Questions You Never Thought to Ask Claud Anderson
If you have then you would be siding with many of the things I've said. I doubt any poster that's in this thread has read it, which is ok, but I challenge those who are Dems and wants to rely heavy on the gov't to save us to really read it. Not only read it, study it. It's the blueprint of success. Along with his other books.
Wealth is gain by keeping all of the resources to you and your group and passing it down. Most, not all, black folks only pass down debt and family mess. Black folks can't obtain wealth when they are economic casted out from all of the resources in this country. 99% of the resources are passed down from whites to other whites. Dr. Claude and many black scholars talk about this, we are locked out. So this investing motion that you are proposing won't work if you don't have any resource/capital to invest with.
If you can't get a loan to build a shopping center, loans and tax credits to start this project, then you can't accumulate wealth. Banks, other lending institutions don't lend money to black "FBAs" folks.
Projects that are well over 6 figures, 7 figures need start up money or "front" money to start the project and that money is obtained from borrowing from institutions. Those loans don't tend to swing our way as investors or entrepreneurs unless you are lucky and that's a very small % of us who do get lucky.
Black contractors that try to apply for federal contracts get laughed at, DEI was supposed to help but that did little to nothing for Black contractors seeking contracts from the federal gov't and that is just 1 sector. Many black contractors or black investment groups are locked out of obtaining the very necessary things that need to get things in motion.
You can have the money in the bank, but will the person who owns the building sell you the building?? Many of times, they don't, they'll sell it to someone that looks like them paying a higher bidding price than you just so you won't get it.
Will you get the permits to build on this certain land/area? Nope, City government will do everything in their powers to stop you from digging on that land once they sort through your articles and find out who you are.
Will you be able to get a fair interest rate on the loan for x amount of money?? Nope, the interest rate will be high and it can come with all types of stipulations, penalties on the duration of the project, loan can be voided if you don't complete a project within a certain time frame, now what you do then??
As a black person, the bank will be more quick to give you a loan to go to school, buy a car vs giving you money to run a ice cream stand or fix up rental property. They protect their money and keep us out.
What you're saying sounds good, sound real good, but when you in reality when you start to really put ideas in motion to try and obtain wealth or a little bit of money for you and your family, it's not that simple to accomplish that goal, 1,000 road blocks are put in front of you, even when you have all of the boxes checked off, they, white folks and black folks who guard their money, try and keep you locked out from tryin to obtain wealth in this country.
I got stories for days. Workin on a 4-8 million dollar project and the head of the bank who is white or non-black finds out that a 26 year old black man is at the head of the project, what you think is going to happened? Smooth sailing right?