Niggas online ratting then calling it content
It’s 2025 bro none of that shit matters lmao
It’s 2025 bro none of that shit matters lmao
It’s 2025 bro none of that shit matters lmao
Niggas ain’t doing this shit w Fox News, CNN or MSNBC lol don’t fact check me brolol you got it fam... fuck it
You only think around 10% of the black people in this country descended from slaves in this country. What kinda math are you using?
You can see where your money goes. The national budget is available for everyone to see. Taxes aren't your money though. They are the nation's money. That's the whole point. The money is meant to be used for the betterment of the nation as a whole, and you do get a say in where it goes through your vote for the people in Congress. It would be crazy to have every individual person trying to dictate where their money went. You want to give the white supremacists the power to directly deny any money that might go to black people. If you think things are bad for us now, imagine what it would be like then.
*Sighs* I don't know why I keep having to tell you and Dis that I don't "ride" for Democrats. The party is to be used as a means to gain political power. If the Republican party wasn't overrun with white supremacist and fascist the parties would be interchangeable to me.
As far as policies that I feel will help blacks are
1. Increased federal funding for HBCUs and community colleges that serve areas where there are large black populations. HBCUs still produce the majority of black high earning professionals.
2. Increased funding for banking institutions that serve black communities. Making more funds available for mortgages and business loans
3. Major criminal justice reforms
4. Initiatives that address the rampant racial discrimination that exists in our healthcare system.
All of these will help with closing the wealth gap.
Will this help….
Either answer @Knock_Twice's question or know your role, shut your mouth and enjoy the ride the Final Boss is gonna take you on.
How can that question be answered? Is any party gonna get us more wealth? Is just providing jobs good enough or you talking about reparations
I think at some point we have to ask the question is Trump trying to destroy the US. Everything he’s doing is weakening our position in the world and domestically.
You’re just going to continue to move goal posts, so I’ll just respond to your first point. HBCU’s and graduating college alone isn’t going to fix it. There also has to be job opportunities for black people and a focus to reduce the student loan debt burden which black people carry at a much higher rate. Democrats were for equal opportunity and forgiving student loan debt.Let's go with that....
1. How is increasing funding to HBCUs and community college decreasing the wealth gap?? How many black people make over 6 figures in this country? Black men and black women? What's the %? They've been increasing this budge for a while. HBCUs are still lacking in funding...
Just because you go to an HBCU doesn't mean that you will get a high paying job.
2. Increased the banking institutions that serve black communities. "What's a black community"? Is there an all black neighborhood that's not in the hood? But let's go with that...Banks have more money to lend out to black ppl "We've been down this road" How hard is it for the average black person to get a business in the U.S.?? Doesn't a black person credit score and debt to income matters when getting a mortgage or business loan?? How hard is it for black contractors to get contracts to build bridges/ buildings/ shopping centers/ etc. I can go on, It's very hard, dayum near impossible. Which means, it's very hard to get business loans from banks.
3. I thought the dems were on top of the criminal justice reform task? What happened?
4. smh. I just read a story where a white nurse was breaking the bones of black babies.
I will have to disagree, the stuff that you've mentioned is already been talked about and put into place, and the black wealth gap is still what it is. These things to me doesn't help close the wealth gap for black folks.
Also, there are white supremacist and racists are the Dems and the Reps. I didn't say it, Malcolm X said it.
And no fucks given about the wave of destruction it’s going to leave? Who do you think is going to bear that burden most? You of all people know the answer to that with all of the things you’ve been talking about.Oh well, let it be. FBAs world been destroyed. I don't give not 1 fuck, and I'm glad majority of the FBAs are sitting back not worrying about it either.
You care, that's good. But let all this shit burn down. We need a reset at this point. Tear all this shit down.
Haven't posted here in awhile....
But I told you goofy nighas many moons ago how you WE could close the wealth gap but instead of being a asshole told you so I'll post the blueprint.
1. Education: learning about money and letting money work for you. Training your children or the youth in your family on how to save and invest their money. Start an investment group amongst your loved ones and open up a trust. DO NOT just have a regular savings account learn what a IRA is, stocks, and look into ETF's. Parents start your chold an Acorn account it's a simple investment app that buys small portions of a stock using small investments from your checking account. Set it up and FORGET meaning set it up and don't touch it.
2. Life insurance: it's the number one way to create generational wealth. DO NOT depend on your jobs life insurance yes it helps but it's not as reliable as your own that you pay for on your own. Make sure everyone in your family has one. Have that awkward conversation with your love ones and speak to about cutting back on certain luxuries so you can plan for the future
3. Crypto: I'm not a fan of this wealth creator but it is the future and it'll be here sooner than later. So learn about Blockchain and start investing into sooner than later. Again I'm not a fan but facts are facts and it's about to be the wave and biggest way to build wealth and to be ahead of the curve when things switch to that as our main currency.
4. Real estate: this isn't new news but land is the ultimate wealth builder. Find you an investment property build a duplex or triplex and rent out the rooms and have your renters pay for your stay. Rent to responsible people. Purchase land and use that land as a way leverage other ventures and purchases you'd like to make. Look into renting out your land to cellisite builders. That's a easy passive income you can generate by doing nothing and those companies will do upkeep to your land.
5. Relationships: Find like minded people to build with. Keep your circle small DO NOT be the smartest person in your circle you're bound to fail and by fail i mean fail miserably. Your team needs to be strong and able to lead and be led no matter who's in charge. If you're a manager at your job surround yourself with directors so you can understand what's it like to manage mangers basically keep your circle full of people who can motivate you. Romantic relationships, your partner in life should not be focused on spending money but making it and using money to create more wealth to build up your family so you can pass down those traditions and ideas to the youth.
There will be nobody coming to save you ever. There will not be reparations coming to you and your family. To fight on that hill is foolish especially if you're Black. We live in a country that has systematically fought to keep Black people down and what have WE done? Every time they tried to stop us from winning we won. Expecting these crackas to give you anything is dummy missions. It sounds good but one thing about reality it's real.
To the Didn't vote, FBAs, tethers, cool crackas, rednecks, poor, middle class, Coons, trans, gays, and whatever group you're in. This new administration is going to fuck you and by fuck you I mean fuck you for years to come.
Are the Dems traditionally better than Reps no probably not but in this particular election that just happened, they was the best choice. America has fucked themselves this time around and if you think differently you're a fool. This isn't a fear mongering post either this is just real shit now all that happened is just phase 1. Phase 2 is when shit gets spooky when the Republicans in your state starts giving police immunity, start defunding HBCUs(see what just happened in Indiana and Tennessee), removing civil liberties, bringing back stop and frisk to all states, turning prions into free slave labor (look where new prisons are being built in the farm lands).
Also I know you're not going to read most of this shit so I'm going to leave you with this.
And no fucks given about the wave of destruction it’s going to leave? Who do you think is going to bear that burden most? You of all people know the answer to that with all of the things you’ve been talking about.