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Uncommon names Hall of Fame

Mom also taught a Shithead (Sha-teed)

Sister taught a whole fam of kids named Mister, Sir, Master and Majesty

My son and 1st name Lil middle name Charles graduated wit a kid who’s name was Governor (he finished 1st in tha class and they said he hadn’t made anything less than a 98 on ANYTHING since tha 1st grade...nigga goin’ to high school now...maybe there’s summin in a name lol)
1 day at my last job a new temp started and when they brought her to me to introduce her I see her name tag and it says Ebonique...now this was right after lunch break so I’m good n high...tha real pronunciation is Eh-bo-neek but my high ass looked at her name tag and directly in here eyes and said...




Oooops...blame ya parents ho
i knew a dude named Junie (joo-nee)

always thought that shit was funny
My lil sisters name is Darika

Know a nigga named Captain. When I first met him I asked him his name and he said “captain” and I replied “no nigga whats your real name” lmao
Honestly I dont have a problem with “made up” names...especially with American Blacks because we literally had our an ancestral names and heritage stripped and replaced with whoever our owners were. Im glad that we have created our own...and although some if the shit does make me smh...I remind myself that most of our names and what we perceive as “acceptable” is seen thru the lenses of our oppressors and THIER standards not ours...

Now that I have got that out

Back to the jokes lol