Who? Me?Sometimes I wanna take this nigga seriously but I just can’t
- Lmao at Swamp with a Kevin Samuels bar
- I stopped watching Serius vs Rum after Serius's first round
- Casey Jay sounds like if Reepah Rell and Mr. Wavy (and Brooklyn Carter to a lesser extent) did a fusion dance. Twork slipping and/or choking in battles is unfortunately expected at this point. Also, Casey/Case flips are corny. It reminds me of when DNA battled some dude named "Anecdote" and said "your name Anecdote, but I'ma call you Ant for short" then did a bunch of "Ant" flips. Corny.
BruhLol at Prep trying to go from Steve to Stefan
FactsNiggas makin any prep excuses when 100gs is on the line is just crazy to me