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Ultimate Madness 3 Tournament: Semi-Finals May 22

The Fan vote shit should be removed. Put a Odd number of judges 3 or 5
If I had to put money on the Tournament I got Geechi winning this clearly. Even tho hes worked for it I feel people are too infatuated with him right now
- Lmao at Swamp with a Kevin Samuels bar
- I stopped watching Serius vs Rum after Serius's first round
- Casey Jay sounds like if Reepah Rell and Mr. Wavy (and Brooklyn Carter to a lesser extent) did a fusion dance. Twork slipping and/or choking in battles is unfortunately expected at this point. Also, Casey/Case flips are corny. It reminds me of when DNA battled some dude named "Anecdote" and said "your name Anecdote, but I'ma call you Ant for short" then did a bunch of "Ant" flips. Corny.

Thats fuckin hilarious
I hope they have new judges next round. Let it be some niggas that ain’t friends with everybody that battle rap. Let it be some niggas that actually fuc with battle rap. Can’t take away points for barking in a nigga face, can’t give points for gas.

The gas Prep, Twork, and Drugz had was sickening. Swabs should have went Hitman Holla, and got his Ncredible bag.