FEATURED Tyrese Wishes He Was Latino

If you tell me yall pick and choose when you want something to be okay or not I’ll drop it lol
Niggas don’t think about MLK usually unless it’s on that day

So what you’re saying is I can ask about MLK being a coon 364 days of the year?

Anndddd civil rights advocate means you’re disqualified from being a coon even if it’s known you been with white women??

I didn’t know that

But back to the original point, using the logic, anything goes because it’s a message board
Sigh you got it man. 🤦🏿‍♂️
I get what he saying but nah, I don’t wish to be any other race. I do think we as black people could do better though.

That’s not to say other races have it all figured out either.
Outside of active warzones, there’s no group of people on earth who are as angry at one another as Black people are. From the niggas setting bicycle thieves on fire in Haiti to the niggas in Alabama that hate “runner niggas” in New York to the Islamic zealots of the sahel cutting black womens breasts off..If you have the opportunity to see what a normal life looks like outside of our sphere (Like marrying a white person and being engrained In their world), you’ll quickly notice that Black people worldwide exist in a state of constant strife and anarchy..It’s astounding.

The key though, is to say “i will fix this” but most niggas just say ”I will leave this”, thats where Tyrese is when he says he wishes he were Latino. Because in a country, a world even, where race can so profoundly affect one’s life, it’s clear who’s headed for failure when every single member of the black community is predisposed toward hating another.
I get what he's saying, but he didn't have to prop up another race in the process, and he just had to come to this conclusion when BHM just started, lol?