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Trump wants go full-on fascist..Pentagon told to set up a Big Military Parade…

the sad thing is...I have two other countries to live in but the bullshit will still reach me eventually.

niggas didn't vote
and racists did.

now we all fucked

Pentagon Memo Reportedly Lays Out Plans for Trump Parade: Set for Veterans Day, ‘No Tanks’

We not have some more details on what President Trump‘s planned parade would look like.

CNN has obtained an apparent Pentagon memo issued this week that lays out the particulars of how it would look and when it would take place:

The memo says the parade will integrate with the annual DC Veterans Day parade and focus on the contributions of US veterans from the Revolutionary War to today “with an emphasis on the price of freedom.”

The parade will “include wheeled vehicles only, no tanks,” the memo said, adding that “consideration must be given to minimize damage to local infrastructure.”

It will, however, involve “a heavy air component” with military aircraft flying overhead at the end of parade, including older aircraft “as available,” the memo said.

The parade is expected to be routed from the White House to the Capitol building and the Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps will be part of it.

GOP Bill Approves Funds For Trump’s Military Parade

This year’s National Defense Authorization Act, the Republicans’ proposed 2019 defense spending bill, greenlights funding for President Donald Trump’s long-coveted military parade.

“In order to honor American veterans, including American veterans of past wars that the Secretary of Defense determines have not received appropriate recognition, the Secretary may provide such support as the Secretary determines is appropriate for a parade to be carried out in the District of Columbia,” the bill reads.

“The Secretary would be authorized to expend funds authorized to be appropriated under this Act for the display of small arms and munitions appropriate for customary ceremonial honors and for the participation of military units that perform customary ceremonial duties,” it continues.

Trump first voiced his desire for a military parade in September 2017, after being wowed by the Bastille Day display in France.

“So we’re actually thinking about Fourth of July, Pennsylvania Avenue, having a really great parade to show our military strength,” Trump said at the time.

Hell, might as well. This whole trump admin all one big bad joke.

I hope he shows up looking exactly like this...

I didn’t think they would allow the funds and they did.

I suspect this will meet a lot of resistance and this parade will have to be postponed over and over.
Lmao at showing our might.

Unless 100 ospreys, destroyers and about 1000 nukes roll down Pennsylvania Ave it will not show our might.
what's after that.. the current selection of potential candidates aren't much better

Than an ignorant, fascistic, childish, racist, kleptocrat, misogynistic russian stooge with horrible grammar and spelling abilities, thin skin and a penchant for lies and contradictions?

okie dokie.