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Trouble Shot & Killed in Atlanta (Long Live Skoob)

If I'm dealing with a woman, my question is 'Are you currently in a relationship?'. The end. There are only 2 relationships statues: In one or not in one. I'm 100% not moving based on the possibility of the old nigga coming through and causing ruckus.

I understand the niggas who do.

But I just refuse to live my life that way. I'll take whatever comes with it.

You gotta be careful with that too. Some will lie just to reel you in
all jokes till that consequence lands at your feet.
If I'm dealing with a woman, my question is 'Are you currently in a relationship?'. The end. There are only 2 relationships statues: In one or not in one. I'm 100% not moving based on the possibility of the old nigga coming through and causing ruckus.

I understand the niggas who do.

But I just refuse to live my life that way. I'll take whatever comes with it.

Facts cause honestly percentage wise itā€™s very low an ex will do all this.