Chick and the people around got drunk with a gun around and she got shot and in this video the same chick getting drunk with people around her and a nigga playing with a gun. She doesn't learn does she
That's her bodyguard not some random nigga
Chick and the people around got drunk with a gun around and she got shot and in this video the same chick getting drunk with people around her and a nigga playing with a gun. She doesn't learn does she
That's her bodyguard not some random nigga
Does that make a difference?
Well it's not hard to see that a person would most likely feel more comfortable with their body guard having a gun to protect them vs a random nigga who shot yeah it does
And doesn't take into consideration the chick was just shot.I agree....
but flashing a gun on live and playing around like you making a call with the gun is dumb and corny as fuck no matter who does it
But it is if he playing with it to look tough.Welp her chillin' with a dude who has a gun isn't really relevant to what Tory did tho' is it. Not unless we wanna victim blame or talk about sutten completely different.
You guys still waitin' on both sides or you ready to believe Tory a fuck nigga who shoots women he can't dominate phsycially?
Well. You don’t know shit about proper firearm handling.
Good day
Nobody should feel comfortable being around a drunk dude playing with a gun no matter if he your bodyguard or notI actually do. You didnt ask about firearm handling. You asked why she would feel comfortable with him having a gun around her not if he was holding it correctly.
I actually do. You didnt ask about firearm handling. You asked why she would feel comfortable with him having a gun around her not if he was holding it correctly.
Nobody should feel comfortable being around a drunk dude playing with a gun no matter if he your bodyguard or not
Lol all these niggas and niggletes .... niggas don’t really care bout thisRando question how many people have we(rap wise) picked and chose who to cancel when it comes to DV
Rando question how many people have we(rap wise) picked and chose who to cancel when it comes to DV
Right......A gun could be
A few other things
But never out to stunt with it. At least lock the fucking slide back.
He needs to be fired because that’s a shitty bodyguard.
Lol all these niggas and niggletes .... niggas don’t really care bout this
Yes, AFAf, though?