Netflix Top Netflix ANime

I don't know about any of those in the video but I did try and watch Death Note, I wasn't feeling that. Maybe I need to get pass episode 2 and shit will pick up.
Not too sure if it is on Netflix, but Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is one of my favorites.
Anyone can help me find Ronin Warriors? That was my shit when I was a kid, but everytime they got 3 episodes deep, they’d restart back to the first one. Never seen the full season
I've seen the 4 episodes that were on Netflix. Just want the rest
Oh nah brotha that's it the studio wasn't sure how audiences would take it so they only did 4 for s1. Audiences clamored for more so they had the greenlight by Netflix to get 14 or 15 for season 2. They've been working on the animation and trying to get it out by next year.
Should just make this an anime general and ban dbz super from being discussed.

If you can I’ll suggest watching re:zero the first 3 episodes will have you hooked.

Also watch konosuba if you want comedy.
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One punch man is really good and funny too. If you can handle horrifying giant humans eating normal sized humans you should try Attack on Titan

One Punch Man is hilarious af

Attack on Titan is good...yet disturbing. That outro music is creepy. Love the show tho.

As for my picks...

7 Deadly Sins
Magi series
Fate series
Knights of Sidonia
Aldnoah Zero
Berserk series
Kuro Mukuro
I wouldn’t recommend niggas to watch magi after the trash ass ending for the manga. Fuck sinbad