Thread: A lot of white people were shocked to learn about the Tulsa bombings from HBO's The Watchmen

Police are a different matter. They are part of the system. They are basically trained to harass blacks.

Let me ask you an honest question. Do you think the average white person wakes up in the morning like "How can I make life miserable for blacks today?" You know it's not like that.

White people are like any other group of people. They really only care about what's going on in their own world. The only difference is that they have been constantly told that blacks are the cause of all their problems and they've been dumb enough to believe it. Y'all have to know that's true because you can see the system playing the same trick with immigrants nowadays. Maybe the problem for some of y'all is that you can't see the truth because as soon as the focus switched to another group some of y'all started to fall for the trick too.

Lol bruh

there's too many vids of white folks, who ain't police, tryna police us

"do you live around here, you're not posed to be here, let me see some ID"

mf will go out they way to harass us
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Lol bruh

there's too many vids of white folks, who ain't police, tryna police us

"do you live around here, you're not posed to be here, let me see some ID"

mf will go out they way to harass us

What percentage of white people do that? Whatever the number, it's too high but let's not act like that behavior is the norm. If it was no black person would ever be able to do anything because there are far more of them here than us. Those incidents would be unending.

Be real. Even a lot of white people think those nuisance calls are stupid. Hell even police have spoken out against them.

White people see us as a threat. When they feel safe from us, they aren't thinking about is. Why do they see us as a threat? Because they've been conditioned to do so.
Man somebody educate this dude because he's living in a LaLa and using so many excuses and empty ass statements to make a false point

That kind of narrative can't be coming outta a black man's mouth. I refuse to believe that.
What percentage of white people do that? Whatever the number, it's too high but let's not act like that behavior is the norm. If it was no black person would ever be able to do anything because there are far more of them here than us. Those incidents would be unending.

Be real. Even a lot of white people think those nuisance calls are stupid. Hell even police have spoken out against them.

White people see us as a threat. When they feel safe from us, they aren't thinking about is. Why do they see us as a threat? Because they've been conditioned to do so.

come on bruh

in one breath you say we're not important to them, then in the next you say they see us as a threat (however they came to that conclusion)
i feel like i know what you trying to say but the delivery comes off very...idk... snobbish maybe??

its like when Du be on his "black panther was successful b/c it was trendy" nonsense

like, why does it matter how people find out about stuff? Are we going to discount them wanting to know more once it became trending on social media?

Like i cant imagine 10 year old me, from baton rouge la asking my grandmother out the blue what she knew about the Tulsa bombings/black wall street with absolutely no context. I literally just woke up and decided thats what I wanted to talk to my grandma about

hell i know people irl who ONLY get their news from social media b/c thats what they are on all day. That's a different convo in itself but we just dont consume information today like we used to and that's not a bad thing imo.

I don't care if it's perceived as snobbish.
That's irrelevant and not stopping people from researching if they're interested.

Most people don't care about anything that doesn't directly affect or involve them. Let's be real, a lot of black people don't even make an effort to learn about this stuff. Intellectual curiosity just isn't that common among the masses.

I agree this is what it really is.
And situations like these are just ugly reminders of why people should care.

No actually everyone doesn't. You would think it but not everyone has internet access let alone good internet access even in 2019. Everybody don't live in reasonable distance of a library still. And everybody don't have somebody around them to expose them to the fact this information even exists to begin with.

Also while yes we do live in an era where information is more widely shared than ever we also have more misinformation being shared as well. There's more accounts of historical events that can vary depending on where exactly you get your information from that it shouldn't be a shock if people don't know the entirety of these events or of some of them all.

That doesn't go for people like you, people on this site, people that read that article.
Y'all clearly have the access and that article hasn't been the first instance.
It's still on the person to make the effort when you realize you don't know these things.
But that's if a person really cares in the first place.
come on bruh

in one breath you say we're not important to them, then in the next you say they see us as a threat (however they came to that conclusion)

Ebola is a threat. It's also not important to me. Why? Because the shit is not in a position to cause me or those around me any harm.

That's how the average white person sees black people. When we're in Chicago or Baltimore or Philadelphia killing our own, we don't matter to them. We're just savages being savage. However, when we pop up in their neighborhood, we are a problem because they believe we're going to bring all the bullshit that they heard about on the news to them.

Most of these white people got bills and debt up to their eyeballs. They got medical problems and kids they are trying to get through school. Ya'll really on here talking like black people are their number 1 concern. That's silly. We're not. The only reason most of them care about us at all is because for decades politicians and the media have been telling them that we are the cause for all their problems.

Ya'll are acting like I'm making this shit up, and I'm having a hard time understanding how ya'll don't see it. Again, they are doing the exact thing to immigrants now that they've been doing to blacks since the beginning of this country. 30 years ago, the average white person in this country didn't give a fuck about Mexicans. Now, you got them out here acting like Mexicans are ruining the country. That's not an accident.
It's uncanny. Dude writes those long ass posts (I know..."Look who's talking"...I get it), and somehow manages not to ever address anything that's actually being argued.

No one is saying that most white people aren't racist, they're just stupid. We're saying that most white people are racist BECAUSE they are stupid. Some of you seem to think they are racist because they are just inherently and purely evil. That's a lazy and retarded way of thinking and honestly it's just as stupid as what they do. Why? Because we have plenty of information out there explaining exactly where racism came from, why it was developed the way it has been, and how it constructed and maintained as a system. Racism isn't just some "white people are the devil, that's why they hate black people" type shit. It was part of an actual plan that was put in place to keep a small minority powerful and keep the masses from coordinating and rebelling. That's not my take on the situation. That's fact. We have documentation, historical evidence, and even admissions from some of the architects proving it.

And yes, the distinction matters. If white people are racist because they are inherently evil, then nothing can be done to solve that problem outside of eliminating them altogether. Some of you might be in favor of that, but unless you're complete idiots, you know that's not something that's viable. However, if you acknowledge that most white people are simply dupes then you understand that there is at least a possibility that you can educate them and move them away from their hatred. This reaction to learning about Tulsa should be proof of that, but most of you are so caught up in your own biases and prejudices that you can't even see that.

that’s all sweet and good if the stupid white people actually interested in equality and fair treatment for everybody. But they aren’t even if it’s a game they are pawns in they are the winning pawns as of now. Why would anybody in a capitalist country want to possibly lower their position for the good of outsiders and foreigners.

And blah blah about the inherently evil part nobody thinks white babies just come out racist. But acting like giving them more knowledge of their transgressions is going to make them just have a heart is not realistic.
that’s all sweet and good if the stupid white people actually interested in equality and fair treatment for everybody. But they aren’t even if it’s a game they are pawns in they are the winning pawns as of now. Why would anybody in a capitalist country want to possibly lower their position for the good of outsiders and foreigners.

And blah blah about the inherently evil part nobody thinks white babies just come out racist. But acting like giving them more knowledge of their transgressions is going to make them just have a heart is not realistic.

Bruh, people on this site have literally said that racism is just in the nature of white people and that it's natural for them. What is that if not saying that it is inherent in them? And there are white people who have changed their ways after learning truth. You're right that you can't just put knowledge in front of them and expect them to change, but when they are put in positions where they have no choice put to realize truth, they change. Just look up former KKK members on Google and you'll find multiple groups of former hardcore racists that now work to bring other out of those groups.

You are right though. I'm not saying there aren't people who do understand that the white supremacist system benefits them and stick up for it because they don't want to give up the power. I'm just saying I don't think that is representative of the typical white person.
Bruh, people on this site have literally said that racism is just in the nature of white people and that it's natural for them. What is that if not saying that it is inherent in them? And there are white people who have changed their ways after learning truth. You're right that you can't just put knowledge in front of them and expect them to change, but when they are put in positions where they have no choice put to realize truth, they change. Just look up former KKK members on Google and you'll find multiple groups of former hardcore racists that now work to bring other out of those groups.

You are right though. I'm not saying there aren't people who do understand that the white supremacist system benefits them and stick up for it because they don't want to give up the power. I'm just saying I don't think that is representative of the typical white person.

I see what you’re saying
And you dont do shit but complain.

You a damn liability. I know youre type. All words and no action. The worse type.

You dont even do what youre suppose to do.
Damn.....Thor said homie all talk but don't even take his kid to the zoo
i'ma read this but i really wish dude would just write an article and post it to twitter instead of these multiple threads
i'ma read this but i really wish dude would just write an article and post it to twitter instead of these multiple threads

I feel the same but alotta folks might digest it easier this way as opposed to one long ass article
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I feel the same but alotta folks might digest it easier this way as opposed to one long ass article
yea, i can see that

but i just finished it

motherfucking citibank!!!

thats crazy how white people have just basically been allowed to reinvent themselves time and time again...prior to this, if you didnt know (myself included) you would've thought citibank just appeared out the blue, but got damn

i appreciate tf out of the brotha for this kinda knowledge, but damn man, im definitely in my feelings about this shit

i read some about the haiti revolution when i was on my nat turner kick about a year ago and even bought a fiction book based on the revolution (i havent read it yet) but this shit was heavy af

preciate you for dropping this
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i'ma read this but i really wish dude would just write an article and post it to twitter instead of these multiple threads

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yea, i can see that

but i just finished it

motherfucking citibank!!!

thats crazy how white people have just basically been allowed to reinvent themselves time and time again...prior to this, if you didnt know (myself included) you would've thought citibank just appeared out the blue, but got damn

i appreciate tf out of the brotha for this kinda knowledge, but damn man, im definitely in my feelings about this shit

i read some about the haiti revolution when i was on my nat turner kick about a year ago and even bought a fiction book based on the revolution (i havent read it yet) but this shit was heavy af

preciate you for dropping this

I felt the same way bruh.. I had no clue about ANY of that shit he was talking about except for the fact that bitch-ass France somehow made Haiti pay for shit after they lost the fuckin revolution.. that shit still boggles my mind
Interesting read
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