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Thread: A lot of white people were shocked to learn about the Tulsa bombings from HBO's The Watchmen


I was really really tryna keep it PG
Site Administrator
WHEW!!! This was tough to read but dammit is it fucking necessary

A lot of white people were shocked to learn about the bombing of Tulsa from HBO's "Watchmen" while most black people are familiar with the bombing of Black Wall Street.

Even historians mention these events as isolated incidents.
Racial terrorism is actually normal in American history but I believe we talk about in the wrong way. These are not isolated incidents , nor are they rare.

This is the story of how a national campaign by whites terrorists overthrew the US government
WHEW!!! This was tough to read but dammit is it fucking necessary

lol fuck white people how they shocked at their own actions ?
Yea But We already Know That tho.. I remember My Old Man Used to watch alot of Klan Documentaries

I used to be like WTF when I was a Shorty , But as An Adult I get It Now Study Ya Enemy/Know Ya Enemy

LOL @ Being too militant , I ain't got time for this shit Today
Yea But We already Know That tho.. I remember My Old Man Used to watch alot of Klan Documentaries

I used to be like WTF when I was a Shorty , But as An Adult I get It Now Study Ya Enemy/Know Ya Enemy

LOL @ Being too militant , I ain't got time for this shit Today

and thats dope...im not being condescending or anything

but this my thing...you trying to paint this narrative about me like im saying "awww...we should understand that white people didn't know" and thats not what's happening. Like i said, i get it...both white and black people for the most part werent up on the Black wallstreet bombings...that can be a true statement

the article said out the gate a lot of white people were shocked to have learned this from a show, then it went on to further explain other instances in history where this happened

Im from louisiana and unless you have someone who was around that time or up on the history like that, you not just gonna stumble into that conversation at the barber shop

I'm also not giving a pass to white people and their entitlement behavior either. I need to make that point clear.

Don't get caught up on one insignificant part of my post and ignore the rest is all im trying to say. We can both learn from each other the strengthen and further the cause.
now who gonna lie and say they knew all that shit that happened in Louisiana, Mississippi and Georgia

i'll wait
I said this shit wayyyyyyy back on the IC and got crucified for it.

But basically I said, the most fucked up thing about this generation of white people is they don't even know why black folk hate them so much. They really don't understand how deep the racism and the hateful shit done to black people goes.

If they were told anything at all, it definitely wasn't the truth. ESPECIALLY if they grew up with a black friend or two. They really think just being nice to black folk erases everything.

A lot of ugly truths just were swept as far under the rug as possible. This article is proof positive.

The bombing of black wall street will never be taught in white homes, white schools, or discussed amongst friends.

Watchmen is dope as fuck for forcing them to remember
um yeah white people don't give a fuck about bws in Tulsa. I can tell you all about it and people in Tulsa is well aware of the race massacre

what about people OUTSIDE of tulsa??
Yall sure love talkin about white folks

so do you have anything else to add to the conversation?

ya'll be on that bs sometimes with this extremist view about every damn thing

got damn