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this is violently irritating

Yeah man, my wife was showing me a post of somebody she knew announcing that they’d lost their small child. Sure enough, MF in the comments talking about, “God makes no mistakes.”
I don’t think people realize how hard it is to have faith on God sometimes...

...God is definitely there to comfort you in times of sorrow and tragedy, but rest assured that living in this world you will experience sorrow and tragedy.

Can I easily explain what God’s reasons are? Absolutely not...

...do I continue to trust Him? Yes.
Now we're poddin'. I try to stay away from this convo because it begs all sorts of other questions. A Christian is simply a person who believes in Jesus Christ and follow his teachings.

There is no right of passage to be a Christian? Can you just claim to be one on your own free will?
Now we're poddin'. I try to stay away from this convo because it begs all sorts of other questions. A Christian is simply a person who believes in Jesus Christ and follow his teachings.
which is odd because even Jesus stated that he didn't want to be followed or even praised but here we are.

I get what you're saying but I'm confused on the following Jesus teachings part. Aren't there multiple avenues of Jesus teaching that are at odds with one another?
It is irritating to me but it’s also exactly what some people want to hear *shrug*
It's comforting in a odd way to some. When my wife passed I was getting text messages saying that exact same thing in the OP.

Most people look for a reasoning to death and on top of that most of us has been conditioned to think God is out here sniping our loved ones for a glorious plan he has cooked up. When your grieving and not in your right place or space it somewhat helps
I get what you're saying but I'm confused on the following Jesus teachings part. Aren't there multiple avenues of Jesus teaching that are at odds with one another?

Yes and no. the book is the book. But different denominations interpret it differently. There are fundamentalist, who tend to take the Bible very literally. Then other denominations use more of an interpretative method to decide what the Bible is actually saying. It's a clusterfuck. Think if Christianity as the umbrella. They all believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings. Then underneath that umbrella, you have Catholic, baptists, Mormons, etc, etc, etc. And all of them believe different things and have waged war against each other and every one else for centuries. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over over.

You get the idea.
It's comforting in a odd way to some. When my wife passed I was getting text messages saying that exact same thing in the OP.

Most people look for a reasoning to death and on top of that most of us has been conditioned to think God is out here sniping our loved ones for a glorious plan he has cooked up. When your grieving and not in your right place or space it somewhat helps


Yes and no. the book is the book. But different denominations interpret it differently. There are fundamentalist, who tend to take the Bible very literally. Then other denominations use more of an interpretative method to decide what the Bible is actually saying. It's a clusterfuck. Think if Christianity as the umbrella. They all believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings. Then underneath that umbrella, you have Catholic, baptists, Mormons, etc, etc, etc. And all of them believe different things and have waged war against each other and every one else for centuries. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over over.

You get the idea.

Jesus' teachings were actually pretty consistent. I think people trip more over the things that Paul said. He seemed to be a lot more strict than Jesus, and some of his teachings seemed contrary to some other things in the Bible.

I think most people in the world would agree that the world would probably be better if everyone followed Jesus' teachings. More people would object to following what Paul taught.
Jesus' teachings were actually pretty consistent. I think people trip more over the things that Paul said. He seemed to be a lot more strict than Jesus, and some of his teachings seemed contrary to some other things in the Bible.

I think most people in the world would agree that the world would probably be better if everyone followed Jesus' teachings. More people would object to following what Paul taught.

You have no way of knowing this. At all. Neither do I. No one does. Therein lies my issue with how fervently we defend these concepts, ya know?
Annoying ass shit, especially from their ignorant perspective but regardless if it's actually helpful in coping or not it's still ultimately the truth. Even from perspective outside of religious.
I have my own particular beliefs when it comes to the Bible and it’s history, meanings and interpretations

But I know how to separate people who have a faith and people who follow a cult and want to throw it in your face..those are the people you have to watch out for

I definitely would never tell someone it’s “Gods Plan” to have fucked up shit happen to you
I can see why they would think that. Looking back on my own life it appears that everything has happened for a reason, even if I didn't understand why when it happened. Everything that happened had to have happened or I wouldn't be who I am today. But it cant just be my little ol' puny life that's happened exactly how it should have so this principle must apply to ALL living things. ...meaning, she died during birth cuz it was her time. Fucked up as hell to think that tho right!?! Like what in the fuck.

I still grapple with reconciling: everything happens for a reason and fucked up shit happening to people. Is it chaos floating around? Is it all an illusion and only appear to happen the way they should cuz we're trapped in our minds and it's subjective conjecture? But if everything is order out of chaos and this shit keeps building on itself to evolve as far as it can, it must know wtf it's kinda doing right? And if it does, doesn't that lead me back to everything for a reason cuz its already on a slated path? It's a mind fuck but I can't not ponder it cuz I don't like not having answers to questions. Like what is the purpose of a woman dying during birth?

That's the shit I'd ask god, might not be my business but I still wanna know. Assuming there is a god to ask. Even if there isn't a god, difficult to accept answers like 'just because' with no rhyme or reason. Everything must have a reason!! This ship is built on logic! So then what is the logic of all the BS?
I can see why they would think that. Looking back on my own life it appears that everything has happened for a reason, even if I didn't understand why when it happened. Everything that happened had to have happened or I wouldn't be who I am today. But it cant just be my little ol' puny life that's happened exactly how it should have so this principle must apply to ALL living things. ...meaning, she died during birth cuz it was her time. Fucked up as hell to think that tho right!?! Like what in the fuck.

I still grapple with reconciling: everything happens for a reason and fucked up shit happening to people. Is it chaos floating around? Is it all an illusion and only appear to happen the way they should cuz we're trapped in our minds and it's subjective conjecture? But if everything is order out of chaos and this shit keeps building on itself to evolve as far as it can, it must know wtf it's kinda doing right? And if it does, doesn't that lead me back to everything for a reason cuz its already on a slated path? It's a mind fuck but I can't not ponder it cuz I don't like not having answers to questions. Like what is the purpose of a woman dying during birth?

That's the shit I'd ask god, might not be my business but I still wanna know. Assuming there is a god to ask. Even if there isn't a god, difficult to accept answers like 'just because' with no rhyme or reason. Everything must have a reason!! This ship is built on logic! So then what is the logic of all the BS?

The ship is definitely built on logic - I agree wholeheartedly...

...in my opinion (take it with a grain of salt), there’s a supreme logic that we just aren’t privy to in this realm.

Someone that doesn’t believe in God (any God just for the sake of argument) or the afterlife wouldn’t understand that. Matter of fact, the belief that there is no God would actually make things much easier to explain, a woman dying during childbirth would just be natural selection and “survival of the fittest.”

What would be more irritating after your wife dies giving birth to your child: someone telling you “you may not understand and it’s a part of God’s plan” or someone telling you “she was weak my nigga - it is what it is” ????

I mean, if Jesus himself was so shook that he was in the forest praying until he sweated blood imagine how afraid and confused he must of been. On some, “OK yeah you wanted me to come down here and talk to these people but c’mon man, do I really have to go through all of this? If you’re God and you created all of this then bruh why can’t you create another scenario for me, your son?”

Imagine how hard it was for him to trust God in that situation. A relationship with God and Christ isn’t about having all the answers and beating people over the head with what you believe - it’s about God and Christ being the source of your strength and refuge in times of trouble...

...and rest assured you will definitely need that strength in times of trouble.

But hey, that’s just me...

...to each his own ya know?
As far as many religious ppl are concerned God isn't just their personal guiding light, he's the guiding light of all of mankind. And if ur not a believer, ur lost. That's why they don't second guess saying that shit. It's almost like they're doing it for their own peace of mind rather than ours.
You have no way of knowing this. At all. Neither do I. No one does. Therein lies my issue with how fervently we defend these concepts, ya know?

I don't know what you mean here. You have access to the Bible. You can read it for yourself. Jesus' teachings are consistent across the four Gospels. So yeah, I do know that his teachings are not the ones that have led to all this fracturing in the faith.

Now if you're trying to say we don't know how well the Gospels match up with what Jesus actually said, I suppose that's true but it's beside the point. If you are a Christian, the Bible is the docrine you follow. I'm not saying shouldn't question what you read, but if you're going to take the stance that you can't believe whether its true or not, then there's really no point in being a Christian at all.
I don't know what you mean here. You have access to the Bible. You can read it for yourself. Jesus' teachings are consistent across the four Gospels. So yeah, I do know that his teachings are not the ones that have led to all this fracturing in the faith.

Now if you're trying to say we don't know how well the Gospels match up with what Jesus actually said, I suppose that's true but it's beside the point. If you are a Christian, the Bible is the docrine you follow. I'm not saying shouldn't question what you read, but if you're going to take the stance that you can't believe whether its true or not, then there's really no point in being a Christian at all.

Re: the bolded - Yep. There we go. That’s exactly what I mean. And I’m not even saying that it’s definitely not in line with his actual teachings. But I AM saying that there is more than enough evidence to question that, you know?

Re: The italicized and underlined - Disagree. There definitely is a point. If we believe that we’re made in God’s image, and if we believe that we were given the gift of both free will and discernment, it stands to reason that it would be perfectly acceptable to look at all the evidence and making ou own determination about what makes sense and what doesn’t, what is true based on his actual teachings and what was manufactured by man for a variety of reasons.

If that makes sense.

It doesn’t stand to reason or make any sense, in my opinion, to look at the Bible and NOT apply our own opinions on how much of it is really bullshit.

You just have to be willing to live with whatever consequences of potentially being wrong. I am.