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This chick think she smart


Who do you think you are? I am
I think I figured out why rappers like Rhapsody isn’t big with women. She is a bright person and makes music from an aspect of using her intellect to get a point across and talks about things from an intellectual viewpoint.

Here is the kicker and stay with me. Men can resign to their unintelligence. A man can readily admit to being dumb, and listen to music that’s dumb because in its ignorance, it talks about what he wants to be, which is tough. He doesn’t have to be smart if he can be tough. Cause a fist to the face overrides a good talking to.

Women..most women, feel like they are already smart. Music tends to market towards what the listener wants to be, not what they are. Since most women already believe they are smart, even when they are very noticeably stupid. Having a rapper appeal to what they already are doesn’t do much for them.

But having a female rapper appeal to their desire to be desired, beautiful, or sexy. Well, now you have a money maker.

intelligent female hiphop doesn’t market well because most women already think they are just as smart as the smart person spitting. Promiscuous female hiphop works because most women want to be as free and desired as the person spitting.

I want to point out my usage of most, and not all.
She makes the same type of music that Phonte makes and women aren’t bumping his music like that.
Expound on your point, cause my point is about how music is marketed,..how exactly is Phonte marketed to women?
It’s the kind of music she makes. She don’t make music for women despite being a woman. Same way certain male artists (Ja Rule, Drake) make music for women despite being a man.
So she should just shake her azz and them she'll sell records.

Got it
No, the actual solution would be that what men value women for would have to change in order for what women want to be, to change. If men valued womens intelligence, more women would want to be intelligent. The solution lies with men, but my post wasn’t about changing anything, it was expressing a viewpoint and seeing if anyone else peep. She won’t sell records until she does some pop music like Lizzzo because that’s where the I am iffy on my ability to understand the world, type women gravitate listening to
It’s the kind of music she makes. She don’t make music for women despite being a woman. Same way certain male artists (Ja Rule, Drake) make music for women despite being a man.
That’s an interesting viewpoint, making music more for men in a genre that historically doesn’t elevate female spitters.
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Ehh even if she resigned to shaking her ass she not built like that.
Ehh even if she resigned to shaking her ass she not built like that.
that was not the point, the point was you can’t sell shoes to footlocker. You can’t sell market something to folks that feel like they already have it in droves. Which is why it’s hard to sell intellectual rap by women to women.
A lot of women wil question their sexual appeal before they question their intelligence. Even if In some cases they are obviously unintelligent you’d be hard pressed to get them to believe enough to desire to be smarter or want to be smarter
And I am not calling all women stupid, I’m specifically speaking of women who are not self aware and easy to manipulate through marketing
You overthinking shit bruh. It's like @5th Letter said, she just don't make music women like. I don't think there is anything deeper than that. Women tend to care about how catchy a song is over the lyrics or subject matter. Obviously, there are exceptions, but in my experience that's been the case more often than not. You'll hear plenty of chicks quoting some hook from a commercial rap track. You won't hear nearly as many quoting some complex lyrics from an underground joint.
You overthinking shit bruh. It's like @5th Letter said, she just don't make music women like. I don't think there is anything deeper than that. Women tend to care about how catchy a song is over the lyrics or subject matter. Obviously, there are exceptions, but in my experience that's been the case more often than not. You'll hear plenty of chicks quoting some hook from a commercial rap track. You won't hear nearly as many quoting some complex lyrics from an underground joint.

I am overthinking it because you seem to be ok with what is, I like to figure out why..what is..ima thinker

nah that comes off wrong cause it seems like I’m saying you aren’t..I am inquisitive
I am overthinking it because you seem to be ok with what is, I like to figure out why..what is..ima thinker

You're overthinking because you're looking for a deep answer where there might not be one. Also, your premise is faulty. Based on your logic, nerdy guys that can't get women should like rap that centers around pimpin and fucking, but that's not the case. Most of them like backpack, conscious, or other styles where rappers tend to put more crafting into their lyrics.