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COMMUNITY Things you believed as a child and turned out to be a lie.

I remember being young, like 6 or 7 and thinking Santa was fake. That christmas I really wanted a playstation (the og) and all December I hoped and prayed for one. Wrote a Christmas list and shit. Christmas came, I got a fucking playstation.

Was psyched. Next christmas rolls around. I want an n64. Hope and pray. Christmas list made up. Christmas day, BOOM a n64.

Was fucking with my head like "shit, maybe Santa clause is real and those kids at school are full of shit". Next christmas comes. I can't recall what I really wanted but I'm sure it was just a game or something. Open it up and it was a dope football with a denver broncos skin. Was a collector type of football. It was awesome, but It wasn't what I asked for.

Showed my friend who used to come to our house for christmas and my mom was telling his dad how she found it at some place. I looked at her with a "you lying bitch" type face and she immediately realized what she said and started to feel bad all apologizing and shit. I just stood up and sarcastically said "don't worry mom, you did really good the last 2 christmas. Really had me going there." And we all laughed and continued with the day. Since then my mom always sarcastically says a particular gift was from santa. Usually the most expensive gift.
Santa Claus.

The core of our planet being the Tartarus of Greek mythology and populated by imprisoned Titans waiting to freed themselves and unleash havoc and chaos on the cosmos (1990s babies who grew up watching Hercules, Xena and Disney's Hercules knows my feelings) .

Being able to dig up through the planet from Canada to China.

Pluto being a planet (still a planet to me) .

The Mission Apollo 11 on the Moon in '69 (guess it was nothing but a hoax aimed against the Soviets to made them believe that U.S.A. did it first) .

Our skin turning white if we spouse white women.

The Tooth Fairy. Krampus. The Boogeyman (unless it was loosely based upon old records of unexplained abductions, which could make sense) . Jesus. David. Solomon. Moses. Adam. Eve. Agamemnon. White people being 30,000 years old (they are barely 6,000) . The Cro-Magnon Man being a white caveman. Homo Neanderthalansis being dull, brutish and backwards. Otzī the Iceman being Caucasian. Ancient Greeks being Hollywood white. Races. Hell. The Gauls looking like Asterix & Obelix. The Mongolians being backwards and barbarian (they weren't any better than much of the world, matter-of-factly. Simply more efficient) .

Or being courteous and polite toward women.
As a kid I thought planes were tiny while flying
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Turned out that was a lie

I still remember the exact moment this clicked for me.

5th grade social studies class, we were studying Greek mythology and somebody had asked the teacher why we were studying gods that were myths.

Paraphrasing: “Well, we know now that these gods were mythical, but they are an important part of history because the people living in the society at the time believed they were 100% real. They had a real impact on people’s lives, real or myth.”

I didn’t say anything but in my head it was like

I still remember the exact moment this clicked for me.

5th grade social studies class, we were studying Greek mythology and somebody had asked the teacher why we were studying gods that were myths.

Paraphrasing: “Well, we know now that these gods were mythical, but they are an important part of history because the people living in the society at the time believed they were 100% real. They had a real impact on people’s lives, real or myth.”

I didn’t say anything but in my head it was like

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Yeah, something similar happened to me. But with an all caring God.