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Father and daughter
You niggas would argue with me for pages damn near every week when I said this season was trash, it's nice to see y'all finally came around
season was iight

but yea how is Nora Iris and Barry's daughter if Barry was supposed to die in the explosion....

Iris clearly said she wasn't pregnant at the end......
that's that mixed power fist

notice the black and white in it?

amd barry the only white dude in the extended family so far

barry white, his wife black, his father in law black, his mother in law black, his brother in law black, his new sister in law black.his daughter black....

and he got 1 white friend in killer frost....cisco hispanic then a motherfucker....
I checked out of all the CW shows months ago except Black Lightning. Judging by comments I shouldn't bother finishing them this summer
i liked all the CW shows this year. Flash may not been as good as previous seasons, but i still liked it
This has been one of the worst Flash seasons.

The finale wasn't bad though... I'm interested to see where they're going with Nora West-Allen story
Damn assuming Barry never knew his daughter because he originally died punching a burning satellite (meaning Iris IS pregnant right now with twins if the comic canon holds) his "always fucking shit up" gene has super saiyan strength. She inherited it like it was nothing.
Because she saved him.

If Nora didn't intervene he would have died in the impact.

Maybe she was supposed to save him just like his future-self saved him when he was a little kid in the first season.

IDK, maybe it'll all become clearer next season.

She might've found out her father would die if she didn't go back in time to save him..........similar to how he tried to do the same thing to save his mother.

Hence why she told them she thinks she made a mistake.