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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters

Imagine being extinguisher man right now. Knowing the whole internet trying to track you down. He'd be a stupid mfer to not empty out his bank account and be on the road to mexico right now

He better off doing society a favor and committing dat
stripping committee assignments...a joke they need be expelled

god forbid they fuck around and hold too many white people accountable

They're not getting expel. That would require 67 out of the 100 Senators to vote to expel them. Even with Kamala's VP vote The Democrats only have 51 votes. They would need 16 Republican Senators to vote to expel 2 of their own.

That's not going to happen so the best course of action after that would be to censure them which doesn't kick them out or discard their votes but they cannot be on any committees or have any of their bills taken up.

For example. Ted Cruz is on the Senate Judiciary Committee. They are the Senators who conduct hearings for confirmations on all federal judges. They handle all judiciary hearings. If Cruz is censured he can't be on that committee and can't be replaced by another Republican. That means that the power to confirm judges would be stripped away from Republicans which was already going to happen since Dems won The Senate last week.
When do the Georgians take their seat?

As soon as Georgia certifies their votes. The deadline for Georgia to do that is January 21st. Biden and Harris get sworn in on January 20th. The Senate is is recess until January 19th.

By next Friday they'll all be in their seats and Democrats will have their official majority.
Do not downplay the significance of censuring Senators and stripping them of their committee seats.

A lot of times some of these confirmations come down to one or two votes and the side with the majority usually gets it and the other side has to rely on deflectors. If Cruz or Hawley get censured they can't be on a committee and their replacements can't be Republicans either so Democrats would gain even more power on committees.

Remember this the next time we move a SCOTUS nomination forward or the next time the Senate subpoenas somebody like Trump's kids or Rudy Guilliani.
There's a Republican Civil War brewing. Mitch McConnell like any other smart person sees an opportunity for Republicans to dump Trump.

Outside of trump there's no real strong Trump voice in the party. You saw how they ran up on Lindsey bitch ass.

If Republicans turn on Trump now then Trumpism is done politically. They don't have a strong enough voice after Trump to carry the torch for Trumpism.

Once Deutsche Bank cut Trump off you should've known that Republicans were gonna cut him off too.
There's a Republican Civil War brewing. Mitch McConnell like any other smart person sees an opportunity for Republicans to dump Trump.

Outside of trump there's no real strong Trump voice in the party. You saw how they ran up on Lindsey bitch ass.

If Republicans turn on Trump now then Trumpism is done politically. They don't have a strong enough voice after Trump to carry the torch for Trumpism.

Once Deutsche Bank cut Trump off you should've known that Republicans were gonna cut him off too.

I agree here. The potential Republican Civil War could be disastrous for them. If the Reps lose power, then then only the corporate Dems would stand in the way of progress and they are easier to deal with than the Reps.