Where are the "both sides" and "but the Dems" folks at....
please explain what the hell is this man talking, what does he mean here....
Because this is just beyond insanity for a setting president to say
*insert Simpsons couch gif*
I know this old white lady that's a Trump supporter. Every now and again we'd have debates on this stuff and she'd stand her ground on the stuff Trump said and done. Not a thing for me, I respect all opinions and beliefs. One day I seen a headline that deeply triggered me. A female Trump campaign staffer accused a male staffer of sexual abuse back in Trump's first campaign. He was found guilty, got his sentence and was fired from the staff. Fast to this last campaign, they rehired him for another position. My thing was, with everything going on in world today, are women truly protected under our watch if we allow these things to happen? It wasn't about politics, it was personal for me. I showed the woman this headline... and not only did she not read it, but she went on this whole rant about Democrats and laptop and a bunch of shit that had nothing to do with what I was talking about. It wasn't what she said in response to the headline, it was the fact that she didn't read it that irked me. That was the last time I spoke to her.
The moral of the story: You can't save ppl from themselves, especially if it involves taking up a cause you don't fully believe in. The government backed eligible voters into a corner where they had no choice but to vote for the lesser of two evils. Dedicated Democrats/Republicans are stuck on what they're stuck on, but the rest of us that just wanna be free and left alone have to live with the decisions they made out of emotion rather than logic. The Dems were too inept to stop a nigga that couldn't control his horniness on a plane from taking over the government, and the GOP is running behind said nigga without any concern with what that means for them. We were shouting from mountaintops about P25, the cases, the skeevy side characters in his circle, his diminishing mental state, and a myriad of other shit since 2022 at the latest. No one listened to us. Not only that, but Dems and GOP alike set forth and stood behind policies that do nothing for us.
And let's not talk about what's going on in this very forum. We were getting lit to pedophile bars and Love and Hip Hop gossip for an entire summer while this nigga told you word for word what he was gonna do. Niggas was more concerned about J. Cole not writing a fake gun bar rap than Trump telling us he was gonna eliminate birthright citizenship or Biden sending billions of our tax dollars to a country committing genocide. Y'all can have the "I told you so" shit. I'm over here shifting between trying not to break down and cry in public, punching a nigga head off his shoulders, and putting a bullet in my own head all while trying to help raise kids that's not mine. Them niggas put themselves in this position... they gotta suffer with the rest of us. If you scared, get a gun.