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The U.S Military Kills The Head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Update: Trump Reportedly Authorized Soleimani’s Killing Seven Months Ago

Sounding like Iran purposefully didnt do any damage.

Even sent warnings before the bombings and sent the info to the US through Iraqi channels.

Good move by them.

Usually this would be when shit gets deescalated. But Trump been literally begging for war. So who knows whats really gonna happen.
Its just funny cause I always say the Christian west isnt that different from Muslims. Both trash ass religions.

The West just does a better job in silencing its extremists and doesnt let them wild out.

But if you look at all the people in charge, from pence to pompeo to bolton before him, to their secrateries, they are talking bout some god shit. On some god is on our side. One mfer said god is on our side and our cause is just.

These mfers really want to start a war with Iran cause they think the bible tells them too.

They might not be wildin out and beheading a mfer, but these christians look down on muslims killing for their religion while they do the same shit, just a bit more covertly and with better technology.

Hate that its 2020 and we still having religious people running govts.
Sounding like Iran purposefully didnt do any damage.

Even sent warnings before the bombings and sent the info to the US through Iraqi channels.

Good move by them.

Usually this would be when shit gets deescalated. But Trump been literally begging for war. So who knows whats really gonna happen.

So all that they was saying was just pump faking.

I can understand it though. But thats gon give Trump and all that follows him big heads by saying Trump can kill the second in command for a country and not have nothing happen.
Yeah. All this Bullshit started after Obama clowned the fuck out of Donnie Dumbass, cause of all that birther shit Donnie was talkin. His ego couldn't take it, and this whole regime is about trying to erase Obama's legacy.
Yep. What i posted was just a clip.

And as you see, all he's trying to do is undo any and everything B-Rock did.
Even if it hurts the country.

I know it sounds pretty petty. Even can be exaggerating a bit. But that's what it looks like to me.
So all that they was saying was just pump faking.

I can understand it though. But thats gon give Trump and all that follows him big heads by saying Trump can kill the second in command for a country and not have nothing happen.

It's a bait move. They got something the us isn't ready for imo. Whether they de-escalate or not these countries destined to go to war at this point. Just a matter of when.
But if you look at all the people in charge, from pence to pompeo to bolton before him, to their secrateries, they are talking bout some god shit. On some god is on our side. One mfer said god is on our side and our cause is just.

These mfers really want to start a war with Iran cause they think the bible tells them too.

They might not be wildin out and beheading a mfer, but these christians look down on muslims killing for their religion while they do the same shit, just a bit more covertly and with better technology.

Hate that its 2020 and we still having religious people running govts.

So all that they was saying was just pump faking.

I can understand it though. But thats gon give Trump and all that follows him big heads by saying Trump can kill the second in command for a country and not have nothing happen.

Yea but put yourself in Irans shoes. You dont wanna seem weak but you also dont want war with a country that can easily destroy you.

Like the US lost the war in Iraq but its not like Saddam won. Saddams govt is gone, Saddam got found in a hole and got hanged.

Same will happen to Iran. The US might not win, but the Iranian govt will be destroyed and mfers will all die or go to jail.