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The Terry Crews aka Gym Crow aka Muscle Ruckus Thread

ya'll know how far in advance a lot of this shit is recorded right?

could've just been sitting in post production for a myriad of reasons
He seems to have gotten faster results than the ladies and their claims.

Like hell. Chicks accuses a famous dude nowadays he's out of a job in a week or so, disgraced, wife leaving him and alladat. If anything Terry took far longer.
This nigga aint been the same since he let whoopi ned shut him down when he was trying to stand up for black fathers.

Smdh. This nigga a full blown eunuch
He's not asking for support. He's just reinstating why he didn't say anything, because had he said something about it then we would have laughed and that exec would have used it to black list him and kill his career in order to save his own reputation in the public eye. He's saying black women showed support but fellas looked down and scoffed or laughed.

It's easy to laugh at shit like that and a whole nother to be in the situation. In the workplace some people deal with scenarios like that and make a decision to
Sacrifice their pride to put food on the table for their families. Which is what Crews did until he was prominent enough and the social environment was in his favor to lash at dude. Niggas out here complaining about their 9-5 but Hollywood is a whole nother beast mired with dozens of careers that never were or had a spark and got put out. I don't condone or condemn but I understand where Crews is coming from and why he said what he said.

He aint saying anything. He's giving excuses as to why he sold his dignity for a hollywood check. And thats the crux of this metoo bullshit. People are selling themselves for stardom and then turn around and play victim. This is a 6'2 245lbs former football player crying that he was touched by another grown man. An adult cannot allow unwanted behavior for fame and fortune then claim they were a victim.

That shit is weak amd pathetic because lile I said before, if he allowed someone to do thay to HIM what would he allow someone to do to his wife?

All thay blackballing talk is irrelevent. As a man we are supposed to stand up for whats right and just, monetary gain aside. This nigga sold himself then hid behind women to support his ass. What the hell are little girls supposed to think if grown ass men are allowing themselves to be fondled for a paycheck?
This post is why he kept quiet the first time. What if you were in a space where you got a kid on the way, meagre savings and one shot at success and you hear a powerful man or manager say some racist shit about mexicans or whatever ? How do you react ? How do you position yourself then ? Do you dip ? Do you go on a crusade to have the manager thrown out ? Where do you find the supporters who will believe you ? Then we wonder why he kept it quiet ?

Terry Crews 25 years ago wasn't exactly commanding roles like Denzel or Jamie. What if you go out and say something and no one believes you which is often the case. Big black man in Hollywood, Dark skin, ex NFL athlete the white man's nightmare as they say. I'm sure Crews would love to have fought and killed the nigga he grew up in Flint Michigan and LA. Some women go through that shit everyday with sexual harrassment some of your mothers might have seen that (no disrespect).

Nah, he sold his dignity for hollywood fame. Like so many others. Again, he aint say shit at the time, cuz he wanted to make it big. Adults cannot allow unwanted behavior and then cry victim in situations like this. Hypocrisy at it's finest. Is making it in hollywood THAT important? Having kids to feed, ok, well I got 5, had my first one at 20. I've encountered bullshit on the job just like everyone else(racism,sexism,sexual harassment from women), but I managed to maintain and defend my dignity and honor without getting fired over it. Not only that but thrived.

If I have to endure unwanted sexual advances for a career move, then I'm making another move. Even if it's a different career altogether. Everybody always yappin about black men need to step up, but we defend this weak coddled bullshit. We're not talking about a boy who was taken advantage of, this a grown man. This dude waited until black women spoke up for themselves to jump behind them when as a man, if he experienced that, he was mos def privy to what was going on with women in hollywood, he should have led that charge. But I expect such from him after hearing his interview regarding his mother being abused.

Lastly, we can't compare the situations women are faced with when they most always have the physical disadvantage, with a 6'2 245lbs prime NFL player. Come on fam
Terry Crews isn't clever,sharp or ruthless enough to be "sparring" with a nigga like Tariq, who isn't constraint by the "rules of engagement" of having to maintain public image for future gigs in Hollywood.
Which is why he got obliterated in this exchange
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